


•rég£º2021-06-23 17:09:14 GRE ÎÒҪͶ¸å




¡¡¡¡aberration :: wandering or staying away; in optics, failure of rays to focus

¡¡¡¡abettor :: encourager

¡¡¡¡abeyance :: suspended action

¡¡¡¡ablution :: washing

¡¡¡¡abnegation :: repudiation; self-sacrifice

¡¡¡¡abstinence :: restraint from eating or drinking

¡¡¡¡accessory :: additional object: useful but not essential thing

¡¡¡¡acclivity :: sharp upslope of a hill

¡¡¡¡accolade :: award of merit

¡¡¡¡accomplice :: partner in crime

¡¡¡¡accord :: agreement

¡¡¡¡accretion :: growth: increase

¡¡¡¡acerbity :: bitterness of speech and temper

¡¡¡¡acme :: top: pinnacle

¡¡¡¡acoustics :: science of sound: quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in

¡¡¡¡acquiescence :: submission; compliance

¡¡¡¡acquittal :: deliverance from a charge

¡¡¡¡acumen :: mental keenness

¡¡¡¡adage :: wise saying: proverb

¡¡¡¡addiction :: compulsive, habitual need

¡¡¡¡adjunct :: something attached to but holding an inferior position

¡¡¡¡adjuration :: solemn urging

¡¡¡¡admonition :: warning

¡¡¡¡adulation :: flattery: admiration

¡¡¡¡adumbration :: foreshadowing: outlining

¡¡¡¡advent :: arrival

¡¡¡¡adversity :: poverty: misfortune

¡¡¡¡aegis :: shield; defense

¡¡¡¡aeon :: long period of time; an age

¡¡¡¡affidavit :: written statement made under oath

¡¡¡¡affiliation :: joining: associating with

¡¡¡¡affinity :: kinship

¡¡¡¡affirmation :: solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath

¡¡¡¡afflatus :: inspiration

¡¡¡¡affluence :: abundance: wealth

¡¡¡¡affray :: public brawl

¡¡¡¡agenda :: items of business at a meeting

¡¡¡¡agglomeration :: collection: heap

¡¡¡¡agility :: nimbleness

¡¡¡¡agitation :: strong feeling; excitement

¡¡¡¡agnostic :: one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god

¡¡¡¡agronomist :: scientist engaged in the management of land

¡¡¡¡alacrity :: cheerful promptness

¡¡¡¡alchemy :: medieval chemistry

¡¡¡¡alias :: an assumed name

¡¡¡¡alimony :: payment by a husband to his divorced wife

¡¡¡¡allegory :: story in which characters are used as symbols: fable

¡¡¡¡alliteration :: repetition of beginning sound in poetry

¡¡¡¡alloy :: a mixture as of metals

¡¡¡¡allusion :: indirect reference

¡¡¡¡altercation :: wordy quarrel

¡¡¡¡altruism :: unselfish aid to others; generosity

¡¡¡¡amazon :: female warrior

¡¡¡¡ambrosia :: food of the gods

¡¡¡¡amenities :: agreeable manners; courtesies

¡¡¡¡amnesia :: loss of memory

¡¡¡¡amnesty :: pardon

¡¡¡¡amortization :: act of reducing a debt through partial payments

¡¡¡¡amphitheater :: oval building with tiers of seats

¡¡¡¡amulet :: charm; talisman

¡¡¡¡anachronism :: an error involving time in a story

¡¡¡¡analogy :: similarity; parallelism

¡¡¡¡anarchy :: absence of governing body; state of disorder

¡¡¡¡anathema :: solemn curse

¡¡¡¡andirons :: metal supports in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs

¡¡¡¡anemia :: condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles

¡¡¡¡anesthetic :: substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness

¡¡¡¡animadversion :: critical remark

¡¡¡¡animosity :: active enmity

¡¡¡¡animus :: hostile feeling or intent

¡¡¡¡annals :: records; history

¡¡¡¡annuity :: yearly allowance

¡¡¡¡anomaly :: irregularity

¡¡¡¡antagonism :: active resistance

¡¡¡¡anthropologist :: a student of the history and science of mankind

¡¡¡¡anticlimax :: letdown in thought or emotion

¡¡¡¡antipathy :: aversion; dislike

¡¡¡¡antiseptic :: substance that prevents infection

¡¡¡¡antithesis :: contrast; direct opposite of or to

¡¡¡¡aperture :: opening; hole

¡¡¡¡apex :: tip; summit; climax

¡¡¡¡aphasia :: loss of speech due to injury

¡¡¡¡aphorism :: pithy maxim

¡¡¡¡apiary :: a place where bees are kept

¡¡¡¡aplomb :: poise

¡¡¡¡apogee :: highest point

¡¡¡¡apologue :: moral fable

¡¡¡¡apostate :: one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs

¡¡¡¡apothecary :: druggist

¡¡¡¡apothegm :: pithy, compact saying

¡¡¡¡apotheosis :: deification; glorification

¡¡¡¡apparition :: ghost; phantom

¡¡¡¡appellation :: name; title

¡¡¡¡appurtenances :: subordinate possessions

¡¡¡¡aptitude :: fitness; talent

¡¡¡¡arbiter :: a person with power to decide a dispute; judge

¡¡¡¡arcade :: a covered passageway, usually lined with shops

¡¡¡¡archaeology :: study of artifacts and relics of early mankind

¡¡¡¡archetype :: prototype; primitive pattern

¡¡¡¡archipelago :: group of closely located islands

¡¡¡¡archives :: public records; place where public records are kept

¡¡¡¡ardor :: heat; passion; zeal

¡¡¡¡argot :: slang

¡¡¡¡arrogance :: haughtiness

¡¡¡¡arroyo :: gully

¡¡¡¡artifacts :: products of primitive culture

¡¡¡¡artifice :: deception; trickery

¡¡¡¡artisan :: a manually skilled worker

¡¡¡¡asceticism :: doctrine of self-denial

¡¡¡¡asperity :: sharpness of temper

¡¡¡¡aspersion :: slanderous remark

¡¡¡¡aspirant :: seeker after position or status

¡¡¡¡aspiration :: noble ambition

¡¡¡¡asteroid :: small planet

¡¡¡¡astigmatism :: eye defect which prevents proper focus

¡¡¡¡atavism :: resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents

¡¡¡¡atelier :: workshop; studio


¡¡¡¡atrophy :: wasting away

¡¡¡¡attribute :: essential quality

¡¡¡¡attrition :: gradual wearing down

¡¡¡¡audacity :: boldness

¡¡¡¡audit :: examination of accounts

¡¡¡¡augury :: omen; prophecy

¡¡¡¡aureole :: sun''s corona; halo

¡¡¡¡auscultation :: act of listening to the heart or lungs to discover abnormalities

¡¡¡¡austerity :: sternness; severity

¡¡¡¡autocrat :: monarch with supreme power

¡¡¡¡automaton :: mechanism which imitates actions of humans

¡¡¡¡autopsy :: examination of a dead body; postmortem

¡¡¡¡avarice :: greediness for wealth

¡¡¡¡avatar :: incarnation

¡¡¡¡avocation :: secondary or minor occupation

¡¡¡¡awe :: solemn wonder

¡¡¡¡axiom :: self-evident truth requiring no proof

¡¡¡¡bandanna :: large, bright-colored handkerchief

¡¡¡¡barb :: sharp projection from fishhook, etc.

¡¡¡¡barrage :: barrier laid down by artillery fire

¡¡¡¡barrister :: counselor-at-law

¡¡¡¡barterer :: trader

¡¡¡¡bassoon :: reed instrument of the woodwind family

¡¡¡¡bauble :: trinket; trifle

¡¡¡¡benediction :: blessing

¡¡¡¡benefactor :: gift giver; patron

¡¡¡¡beneficiary :: person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will

¡¡¡¡benignity :: state of being kind, benign, gracious

¡¡¡¡benison :: blessing

¡¡¡¡bereavement :: state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved

¡¡¡¡bete noire :: aversion; person or thing strongly disliked or avoided

¡¡¡¡bigotry :: stubborn intolerance

¡¡¡¡billingsgate :: vituperation; abusive language

¡¡¡¡bivouac :: temporary encampment

¡¡¡¡blandishment :: flattery

¡¡¡¡bludgeon :: club; heavy-headed weapon

¡¡¡¡bouillon :: clear beef soup

¡¡¡¡bourgeois :: middle class

¡¡¡¡braggadocio :: boasting

¡¡¡¡bravado :: swagger; assumed air of defiance

¡¡¡¡brazier :: open pan in which live coals are burned

¡¡¡¡breach :: breaking of contract or duty; fissure; gap

¡¡¡¡breviary :: book containing the daily prayers

¡¡¡¡brevity :: conciseness

¡¡¡¡brocade :: rich, figured fabric

¡¡¡¡brochure :: pamphlet

¡¡¡¡brooch :: ornamental clasp

¡¡¡¡buffoonery :: clowning

¡¡¡¡bugaboo :: bugbear; object of baseless terror

¡¡¡¡bullion :: gold and silver in the form of bars

¡¡¡¡bulwark :: earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends

¡¡¡¡bureaucracy :: government by bureaus

¡¡¡¡buskin :: thick-soled half boot worn by actors of Greek tragedy

¡¡¡¡buttress :: support or prop

¡¡¡¡cabal :: small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests

¡¡¡¡cache :: hiding place

¡¡¡¡cacophony :: discord

¡¡¡¡cadaver :: corpse

¡¡¡¡caliber :: ability; capacity

¡¡¡¡calligraphy :: beautiful writing; excellent penmanship

¡¡¡¡calumny :: malicious misrepresentation; slander

¡¡¡¡cameo :: shell or jewel carved in relief

¡¡¡¡canard :: unfounded rumor; exaggerated report

¡¡¡¡candor :: frankness

¡¡¡¡canker :: any ulcerous sore; any evil

¡¡¡¡cant :: jargon of thieves; pious phraseology

¡¡¡¡cantata :: story set to music, to be sung by a chorus

¡¡¡¡canter :: slow gallop

¡¡¡¡canto :: division of a long poem

¡¡¡¡caparison :: showy harness or ornamentation for a horse

¡¡¡¡caprice :: whim

¡¡¡¡caption :: title; chapter heading; text under illustration

¡¡¡¡carafe :: glass water bottle; decanter

¡¡¡¡carat :: unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold

¡¡¡¡caricature :: distortion; burlesque

¡¡¡¡carillon :: a set of bells capable of being played

¡¡¡¡carmine :: rich red

¡¡¡¡carnage :: destruction of life

¡¡¡¡carousal :: drunken revel

¡¡¡¡carrion :: rotting flesh of a dead body

¡¡¡¡carte blanche :: unlimited authority or freedom

¡¡¡¡cartographer :: maker of maps or charts

¡¡¡¡caryatid :: sculptured column of a female figure

¡¡¡¡cascade :: small waterfall

¡¡¡¡caste :: one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society

¡¡¡¡casualty :: serious or fatal accident

¡¡¡¡casuistry :: subtle or sophisticated reasoning resulting in minute distinctions

¡¡¡¡cataclysm :: deluge; upheaval

¡¡¡¡catalyst :: agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unchanged

¡¡¡¡catapult :: slingshot; a hurling machine

¡¡¡¡catastrophe :: calamity

¡¡¡¡catechism :: book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer

¡¡¡¡cathartic :: purgative

¡¡¡¡caucus :: private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine

¡¡¡¡cavalcade :: procession; parade

¡¡¡¡celerity :: speed; rapidity

¡¡¡¡censor :: overseer of morals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remark

¡¡¡¡centaur :: mythical figure, half man and half horse

¡¡¡¡centurion :: Roman army officer

¡¡¡¡cerebration :: thought

¡¡¡¡cessation :: stopping

¡¡¡¡cession :: yielding to another; ceding

¡¡¡¡chagrin :: vexation; disappointment

¡¡¡¡chalice :: goblet; consecrated cup

¡¡¡¡chameleon :: lizard that changes color in different situations

¡¡¡¡charisma :: divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader

¡¡¡¡charlatan :: quack; pretender to knowledge

¡¡¡¡chasm :: abyss

¡¡¡¡chassis :: framework and working parts of an automobile

¡¡¡¡chattel :: perso









