


時間:2022-05-10 01:54:34 結婚 我要投稿
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婚姻的精神是一個人將另一個人視為他自己, 好的時候如此, 壞的時候如此, 難過的時候如此, 快樂的時候如此, 並且將他視為一輩子的朋友與伙伴. 這並不是自然發(fā)生的事, 一樁好的婚姻是被創(chuàng)造出來的. 在一樁好的婚姻中, 小事情就是大事情. 不要將對方視為理所當然, 為對方做事別抱著這是一種責任或犧牲的態(tài)度, 而是本著快樂和給予的精神. 要培養(yǎng)原諒和忘記的能力. 不要期待你的另一半處處完美. 要製造一個你們兩個都能成長的氣氛.


THE HEART OF MARRIAGE is the taking of another person in that person's entirety, with the good times and the bad times, the sad moments, the happy ones and the taking of that person as a friend and companion for life. It is not something that just happens, a good marriage is created. In a good marriage, the little things are the big things. Do not take one another for granted. Do things for one another, not with the attitude that it is a duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy and giving. Develop the capacity to forgive and forget. Do not look for perfection in your partner. Create an atmosphere in which each of you can grow.

婚姻的精髓是愛, 而愛是我們身而為人能夠分享的最高經(jīng)驗之一. 愛為我們的生活增添意義. 我們能做的最偉大的事情之一是愛另一個人如同一對夫婦相愛.

THE ESSENCE OF MARRIAGE is love and love is one of the highest experiences that we as human beings can share. Love adds meaning to our lives. One of the greatest things we can do is to love another human being as a husband and wife love each other.

婚姻象徵兩個個體的分享. 然而這樣的親密將不會抹滅任何一個個體的人格與行為. 隨著你們的婚姻持續(xù)地成長, 你對你們彼此的了解將持續(xù)地增加.

MARRIAGE SYMBOLIZES the sharing of two lives. Yet this closeness will not diminish the character or being of either individual partner. As your marriage continues to grow, your understanding of each other will continue to expand. 時間與相處將讓你們對彼此的認識更加深厚. 今天的結婚典禮表明了一段將要被分享成為夫妻的人生如此美好的經(jīng)驗的開始.

TIME AND TOGETHERNESS will gain for each of you a deep knowledge of each other. Today's marriage ceremony signifies the beginning of a lifetime of wonderful human experiences to be shared as a husband and wife.



現(xiàn)在我們慶祝 (新郎XX) 和 (新娘XX) 所擁有對彼此的愛, 藉由覆誦這段婚姻誓詞來永遠地接受對方

NOW WE CELEBRATE the love that __________________ and

___________________ have for each other and as family and friends you give social recognition to their intention to permanently accept the other by reciting the marriage vows:

先生, 你願意娶她為妻嗎? 你願意愛她, 尊崇她, 保護她, 不論是當她生病時或健康時, 當你們倆都還活著時, 願意秉棄所有其他人, 只接受她嗎?

HUSBAND Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? (I DO)

Will you love her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, and keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live? (I WILL)

WIFE same as above (change pronouns)

現(xiàn)在, 你們跟我覆誦以下誓言. 我, XXA, 將娶妳, XXB, 當我的太太. 從今天起將互相擁有並互相扶持, 不管更好或更差, 更有錢或更窮, 生病或健康,直到死亡將我們分開.


I, ________________________ , take you _____________________, to be my wedded

wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.

讓你們交換愛的代表以做為你們的誓言的一個標誌. 這戒指從現(xiàn)在起將是你們愛的象徵. 讓這些無盡的圓向所有人表示你們的真摯的諾言和真愛.

RINGS: As a token of your vows, let you exchange a symbol of love.

The(se) ring(s) shall from this time forward be a symbol of your love. Let these unending circles signify to all that your commitment is deep and your love is true.

TO GROOM: Repeat after me -- In token of the vows made between us, with this ring, I pledge to you my love and my life.

TO WIFE: In token of the vows made between us, with this ring, I pledge to you my love and my life.

你們已經(jīng)宣誓將會對對方衷心並相愛. 希望你們遵守今天在這裡所說的誓言. 希望你們彼此照顧, 分享對方的快樂, 在有困難時安撫對方, 幫對方的忙就像先生和太太一般. 希望你們在一起追求夢想時共同勉勵. 最重要的, 希望你們永遠持續(xù)地愛著彼此.

You have vowed to be loyal and loving toward each other. May you keep these vows which you have made here today. May you comfort each other, share each other's joys, console each other during times of trouble, and help each other as husband and wife. May you encourage each other in whatever you set out to achieve. And, most importantly, may you continue to love one another forever.

________________________ and ____________________________ have

formalized their vows and the bond between them in your presence and in mine, I THEREFORE, by the powers vested in me as a Judge of the Third Judicial District, State of Idaho, pronounce you HUSBAND AND WIFE.


美國公證結婚誓詞2016-09-03 21:38 | #2樓

the(se) ring(s) shall from this time forward be a symbol of your love. let these unending circles signify to all that your commitment is deep and your love is true.

to groom: repeat after me -- in token of the vows made between us, with this ring, i pledge to you my love and my life.

to wife: in token of the vows made between us, with this ring, i pledge to you my love and my life.

you have vowed to be loyal and loving toward each other. may you keep these vows which you have made here today. may you comfort each other, share each other's joys, console each other during times of trouble, and help each other as husband and wife. may you encourage each other in whatever you set out to achieve. and, most importantly, may you continue to love one another forever.






結婚宣誓詞 英文05-10



