talk - v. to express thoughts in spoken words; n. a meeting for discussion
tall - ad. higher than others; opposite short
tank - n. a large container for holding liquids; a heavy military vehicle with guns
target - n. any person or object aimed at or fired at
taste - v. to sense through the mouth
tax - n. the money a person or business must pay to the government so the government can provide services
tea - n. a drink made from the plant of the same name
teach - v. to show how to do something; to provide knowledge; to cause to understand
team - n. a group organized for some purpose, often for sports
tear - v. to pull apart, often by force
tears - n. the fluid that comes out of the eyes while crying
technical - ad. involving machines, processes and materials in industry, transportation and communications; of or about a very special kind of subject or thing
technology - n. the use of scientific knowledge and methods to produce goods and services telephone - n. a device or system for sending sounds, especially the voice, over distances
telescope - n. a device for making objects that are far away appear closer and larger
television - n. a device that receives electronic signals and makes them into pictures and sounds; the system of sending pictures and sounds by electronic signals over a distance so others can see and hear them on a receiver