One frequent criticism of rankings is that only long-established universities can thrive. The latest QS Asian University Rankings disprove that theory once and for all.人們常常認為在關于大學的各種排行榜中只有那些歷史悠久的大學能夠勝出,但英國高等教育調查機構QS公司最近公布的2011亞洲大學排行榜卻顛覆了這種認知。
Top of the 2011 rankings, moving up from second place last year, is the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, founded only 20 years ago. Already the youngest university in the world’s top 100, HKUST’s feat will give heart to other relatively recent foundations around the world.在2011亞洲最佳大學排行榜上位居第一的是去年排名第二的香港科技大學。香港科技大學成立于20年前,幾乎是世界排名前100的大學中最年輕的一所。它的排名鼓舞了世界上其他相對年輕的大學。
The scale of HKUST’s achievement is underlined by the fact that it has overtaken its much older neighbour, Hong Kong University, which topped the ranking in its first two years of publication.尤為引人注目的是,香港科技大學超越了它歷史更為悠久的鄰居——香港大學,而香港大學在之前兩年的排行榜上一直位居榜首。
The National University of Singapore remains in third place, while the Tokyo Institute of Technology is the only new entrant to the top ten. The biggest rise in the top 30 has been achieved by Sungkyunkwan University, in South Korea, which has moved up from outside the top 40 to 26th place.新加坡國立大學仍然排在第三。東京工業(yè)大學首次躋身前十。韓國成均館大學則是前30名中排位上升最多的,從40名開外上升到了第26名。.
Nationally, the strongest performance is by Japan, which has five universities in the top ten and eight in the top 20. With 25 universities in the top 100, led by the University of Tokyo in fourth place, and 56 in the top 200, Japan’s success is a reward for considerable investment in higher education.從國家層面上來看,在高等教育方面日本做得最好,前十名中有5所日本大學,前20名中有8所,前100名中有25所,前200名中有56所。其中東京大學排名最靠前,位居第四。這跟日本在高等教育上的巨大投入是分不開的'。
Hong Kong’s continued strong showing in the Asian rankings, with four universities in the top 20 and all six in the top 50, contrasts with continuing disappointment for mainland China. Although Peking and Tsinghua universities remain in the top 20, China has only 14 universities in the top 100, making only marginal progress since last year.香港的大學在此排行榜中一直表現強勢,前20名中有4所香港大學,而且香港的全部6所大學都進入了前50名。中國大陸的大學則一直令人失望,盡管北京大學和清華大學進入了前20名,中國大陸僅有14所大學進入了前100名,僅比去年略有進步。
The much smaller system in South Korea outperforms China at the top of the rankings. It has four institutions in the top 20, led by Seoul National University, and 16 in the top 100.韓國大學的表現也超過了中國。前20名中有4所韓國大學,其中排名最靠前的是國立首爾大學,位居第16名。
India is another giant that is yet to see its higher education ambitions fulfilled. Although five Indian Institutes of Technology appear in the top 50, the University of Delhi is the country’s only comprehensive university in the top 100, in 77th position after a drop of ten places.印度的高等教育也有待發(fā)展。盡管印度有5所理工類大學進入了前50名,卻只有一所綜合性大學——德里大學擠進了前100名,排在第77位,比去年下降了十位。
As usual in QS rankings, the reputational surveys highlight differing views of the leading universities between academics and employers. Only the National University of Singapore, Tokyo and Peking universities attracted top scores from both groups. The academics also favoured Hong Kong, Seoul National, Kyoto and Tsinghua universities.一直以來,QS公司的大學排行榜都有一個顯著特點,那就是學術界和雇主對同一所大學給出的評價往往不盡相同。只有新加坡國立大學、東京大學和北京大學在兩邊都得到了較高的分數。而學術界評價更高的是香港大學、國立首爾大學、京都大學和清華大學。
1、The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology1、香港科技大學
2、University of Hong Kong2、香港大學
3、National University of Singapore3、新加坡國立大學
4、The University of Tokyo4、東京大學
5、The Chinese University of Hong Kong5、香港中文大學
6、Seoul National University6、國立首爾大學
7、Kyoto University7、京都大學
8、Osaka University8、大阪大學
9、Tohoku University9、東北大學(日本)
10、Tokyo Institute of Technology10、東京工業(yè)大學
11、Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology10、韓國高等科技大學
12、Pohang University of Science And Technology12、浦項科技大學(韓國)
13、Peking University13、北京大學
14、Nagoya University14、名古屋大學
15、City University of Hong Kong14、香港城市大學
16、Tsinghua University16、清華大學
17、Nanyang Technological University17、南洋理工大學(新加坡)
18、Yonsei University18、延世大學(韓國)
19、Kyushu University19、九州大學(日本)
20、Hokkaido University20、北海道大學