12. What is the result after the following code executes?
1 short s = 0x00FD;
2 byte b = (byte)s;
3 System.out.println(b);
Select 1 correct answer:
A. Compile time error in line 1
B. Compile time error in line 2
C. 0
D. -3
E. -2
b=0xFD=1111 1101,是一個補碼。
b取反后得到0000 0010,加1 : 0000 0011,即3,考慮到這是一個附負數(shù),最后的結果為-3
13. Given the following method in an application:
1. public String setFileType( String fname ){
2. int p = fname.indexOf( '.' );
3. if( p > 0 ) fname = fname.substring( 0,p );
4. fname += ".TXT";
5. return fname;
6. }
and given that another part of the class has the following code:
7. String TheFile = "";
8. File F = new File( setFileType( TheFile ) );
9. System.out.println( "Created " + TheFile );
what will be printed by the statement in line 9?
Select 1 correct answer:
A. Created
B. Created Program.txt
C. Created
14. Here is the ActionEvent family tree:
|--- java.util.EventObject
|--- java.awt.AWTEvent
|---- java.awt.event.ActionEvent
Suppose we have the following code to count events and
save the most recent event:
int evtCt = 0 ;
AWTEvent lastE ;
public void saveEvent( AWTEvent evt )
lastE = evt ;
evtCt++ ;
Which of the following calls of saveEvent would run
without causing an exception?
Select all possible answers:
A. call with an AWTEvent object reference
B. call with an ActionEvent object reference
C. call with an EventObject object reference
D. call with null value
15. Suppose we have two classes defined as follows:
class ApBase extends Object implements Runnable
class ApDerived extends ApBase implements Observer
Given two variables created as follows:
ApBase aBase = new ApBase() ;
ApDerived aDer = new ApDerived();
Which of the following Java code fragments will
compile and execute without error?
Select 1 correct answer:
A. Object obj = aBase ; Runnable rn = obj ;
B. Object obj = aBase ; Runnable rn = (Runnable) obj ;
C. Object obj = aBase ; Observer ob = (Observer)aBase ;
D. Object obj = aDer ; Observer ob2 = obj ;
16. The following lists the complete contents
of the file named
1. public class Base extends Object {
2. String objType ;
3. public Base(){ objType = "I am a Base type" ;
4. }
5. }
7. public class Derived extends Base {
8. public Derived() { objType = "I am a Derived type";
9. }
10. public static void main(String args[] ){
11. Derived D = new Derived();
12. }
13. }
What will happen when this file is compiled?
Select 1 correct answer:
A. Two class files, Base.class and Derived.class will be created
B. The compiler will object to line 1
C. The compiler will object to line 7
17. The following method is designed to convert an input string
to a floating point number, while detecting a bad format.
Assume that factor is correctly defined elsewhere:
public boolean strCvt( String s ){
try {
factor = Double.valueOf( s ).doubleValue();
return true ;
} catch(NumberFormatException e){
System.out.println("Bad number " + s );
factor = Double.NaN ;
}finally { System.out.println("Finally");
return false ; }
Which of the following descriptions of the results of various
inputs to the method are correct? Select all possible answers:
A. Input = "0.234"
Result:factor = 0.234, "Finally" is printed, true is returned.
B. Input = "0.234"
Result:factor = 0.234, "Finally" is printed, false is returned.
C. Input = null
Result:factor = NaN, "Finally" is printed, false is returned.
D. Input = null
Result:factor unchanged,"Finally" is printed,
NullPointerException is thrown.
答案:A D
18. Here is the hierarchy of Exceptions related to
array index errors:
+-- RuntimeException
+-- IndexOutOfBoundsException
+-- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
+-- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Suppose you had a method X which could throw both
array index and string index exceptions. Assuming
that X does not have any try - catch statements,
which of the following statements are correct?
A. The declaration for X must include
"throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,
B. If a method calling X catches IndexOutOfBoundsException, both
array and string index exceptions will be caught.
C. If the declaration for X includes "throwsIndexOutOfBoundsException",
any calling method must use a try - catch block.
D. The declaration for X does not have to mention exceptions.
19. Given the following listing of the Widget class:
1 class Widget extends Thingee{
2 static private int widgetCount = 0 ;
3 public String wName ;
4 int wNumber ;
6 static synchronized int addWidget(){ widgetCount++ ;
7 wName = "I am Widget # " + widgetCount ;
8 return widgetCount ;
9 }
10 public Widget(){
11 wNumber = addWidget();
12 }
13 }
What happens when we try to compile the class and use
multiple Widget objects in a program?
Select 1 correct answer:
A. The class compiles and each Widget will get a unique wNumber
and wName reflecting the order in which the Widgets were created.
B. The compiler objects to line 7
C. A runtime error occurs in the addWidget method
答案:B 原因:靜態(tài)方法操作的必須是靜態(tài)變量
20. Given the following class definition:
public class DerivedDemo extends Demo
int M, N, L ;
public DerivedDemo( int x, int y )
M = x ; N = y ;
public DerivedDemo( int x )
super( x );
Which of the following constructor signatures MUST exist
in the Demo class for DerivedDemo to compile correctly?
Select 2 correct answers:
A. public Demo( int a, int b )
B. public Demo( int c )
C. public Demo( )
答案:B C