1. 每個成功男人的背后,都有個折磨他的女人。
Behind every successful man, there is a woman torturing him.
2. 你我都是單翼天使,唯有彼此擁抱才能展翅飛翔。可當我千辛萬苦地找到你后卻發(fā)現(xiàn):咱倆的'翅膀是一順邊的。
You and I are angels with only one wing each. We can only fly by embracing each other. But sadly, after I went to all the trouble of finding you and embracing you, I found out that our wings are on the same side.
3. 旅行就是從自己呆膩的地方到別人呆膩的地方去。
Traveling is going from a place that you're sick of to a place other people are sick of.
4. 小時候過中秋,嫦娥的故事總是聽不進去,心里老想著月餅;現(xiàn)在年紀大了,一過中秋,月餅吃不進去了,心里總惦記著嫦娥。
Celebrating Moon Festival as a kid, I could never really pay attention to the story of the lady on the moon, because I was always thinking about eating moon cakes. Now that I'm older, I can't get excited about eating moon cakes, because I'm thinking about the lady on the moon!
5. 吃自助餐最高境界:扶墻進,扶墻出。
The pinnacle of buffet dining is: stagger in starving, stagger out stuffed.
6. 一分鐘有多長?那要看你是蹲在廁所里面還是等在廁所外面。
How long is a minute? That depends on whether you're sitting on the toilet, or waiting outside the bathroom!
7. 擠公車的時候不小心抬了一下腳,馬上就后悔了,因為發(fā)現(xiàn)沒地方放下去了。
Riding on the bus, I stupidly raised my foot a bit. I regretted it immediately-- there was no place to put it back down!
8. 連貝克漢姆都不知道,你還有什么資格跟我談籃球!
You don't even know Beckham-- how dare you talk about basketball with me!
歷史《第16課 中外的交往與沖突》教案12-03