- 相關(guān)推薦
1.Job satisfaction:the degree to which employees are satisfied with their jobs
2.Hierarchy of needs:needs are ranked in five general categories.Once a given category of needs is achieved,people become motivated to reach the next category.
3.Physiological needs:the basic requirements for survival
4.Safety needs:job security and safe working conditions
5.Social needs:the need to be part of a group
6.Esteem needs:respect,prestige,and recognition
7.Self-actualization:the need to fully reach one’s potential
8.Hygiene factors:work-related factors that can fulfill basic needs and precent job dissatisfaction
9.Motivational factors: work-related factors that can lead to job satisfaction and motivate employees
10.Expectancy theory:holds that an employee’s efforts are influenced by the expected outcome for those efforts
11.Equity theory:suggests that compensation should be equitable,or in proportion to each employee’s contribution
12.Reinforcement theory:suggests that reinforcement can influence behavior
13.Positive reinforcement:motivates employees by providing rewards for high performance
14.Negative reinforcement:motivates employees by encouraging them to behave in a manner that avoids unfavorable consequences
15.job enrichment programs:programs designed to increase the job satisfaction of employees
16.merit system:a compensation system that allocates raises according to performance
17.across-the-board system: a compensation system that allocates similar raises to all employees
18.incentive plans:provide employees with various forms of compensation if they meet specific perfoemance goals
19.flextime programs:programs that allow for a more flexible work schedule
http://emrowgh.compressed workweek:compressesthe workload into fewer days per week
21.job sharing:two or more person share a particular work schedule
22.job enlargement:a programs to expand the jobs assigned to employees
23.job rotation:a program that allows a set of employees to periodically rotate their job assignments
24.empowerment:allowing employees the power to make more decisions
25.participative management:employees are allowed to participate in various decisions made by their supervisors or others.
26.management by objectives(MBO):allows employees to participate in setting their goals and determining the manner in which they complete their tasks
27.teamwork:a group of employees with varied job positions have the responsibility to achieve a specific goal
28.open-book management:a form of employees involvement that educates employees on their contribution to the firm and enables them to periodically assess their own performance levels
29.human resource planning:planning to satisfy a fiem’s needs for employees
30.job analysis:the analysis used to determine the tasks and the necessary credentials for a particular position
31.job specification:states the credentials necessary to qualify for a job position
32.job description:states the tasks and responsibilities of a job position
33.human resource manager:help each specific department recruit candidates for its open positions
http://emrowgh.comernal recruiting:an effort to fill open positions with persons already employed by the firm
35.promotion:the assignment of an employee to a higher-level job with more responsibility and compensation
36.enternal recruiting:an effort to fill positions with applicants from outside the firm
37.employment test:a test of a job candidate’s abilities
http://emrowgh.compensation package:the total monetary compensation and benefits offered to employees
39.salary(wages):the dollars paid for a job over a specific period
40.stock options:a form of compensation that allows employees to purchase shares of their employer’s stock at a specific price
http://emrowgh.commissions:compensation for meeting specific sales objectives
42.bonus:an extra onetime payment at the end of a period in which performance was measured
43.profit sharing:a portion of the firm’s profits is paid to employees
44.employee benefits:additional privileges beyond compensation payments,such as paid vacation time;health,life,or dental insurance;and pension programs
45.perquisites:additional privileges beyond compensation payments and employee benefits
46.upward appraisals:used to measure the managerial abilities of supervisors
47.labor un-io-n:an association established to represent the views,needs,and concerns of labor
48.craft un-io-ns:un-io-ns organized according to a specific craft(or trade),such as plumbing
49.industrial un-io-ns:un-io-ns organized for a specific industry
50.local un-io-ns:un-io-ns composed of members in a specified local area
51.national un-io-ns:un-io-ns composed of members throughout the country
http://emrowgh.comernational un-io-ns: un-io-ns that have members in several countries
53.Norris-LaGuardia Act:restricted the use of injunctions against un-io-ns and allowed un-io-ns to publicize a labor dispute
54.yellow-dog contract:a contract requiring employees to refrain from joining a un-io-n as a condition of employment
55.Wagner act:prohibited firms from interfering with workers’ efforts to organize or join un-io-ns
56.Taft-Hartley act:an amendment to the Wagner act that prohibited un-io-ns from pressuring employees to join
57.right-to-work:allows states to prohibit un-io-n shops
58.Landrum-griffin act:required labor un-io-ns to specify in their bylaws the membership eligibility requirements,dues,and collective bargaining procedures
59.picketing:waling around near the employer’s building with signs complaining of poor working conditions
60.boycott:refusing to purchase products and services
61.strike:a discontinuation of employee services
62.injuction:a court order to prevent a un-io-n from a particular activity such as picketing
63.lockout: prevents employees from working until an agreement between management and labor is reached