Many women complain that they look inferior because they have never been offered equal opportunities in jobs. This may have been true in the long past, but not now. The fact is that jobs are open to both sexes, but it is almost impossible for women to be wives, mothers and successful career women all at once. Actually most women are glad to let men support their families. They know that bearing and rearing children are more important. And that is why men outnumber women in practically every kind of job. They are not excluded; they exclude themselves.
Should World Governments Conduct Serious Campaigns Against Smoking?
Cigarette smoking has been jeopardizing human health for centuries ever since an English nobleman brought tobacco from the New World back to England and people everywhere in the world have been puffing their way to smoky and cancerous death.
Medical findings have long proved that there is a close link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer because of the many harmful ingredients in the tobacco. Yet the governments of most countries pretend to be blind to the lethal effect of tobacco: the answer lies with money. Cigarette smokers are big tax payers. Levying a tax on your cigarettes is just like levying a tax on your daily bread.