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Project: Geotechnical Investigation at Ibity Holcim Cement Plant Meeting Date: 13/06/2012


Meeting Time: 15:00

Recorder: Tony

Location: Antananarivo, Madagascar

Present: Michele Franchi Geo-eco Consult

Toky Holcim Representative

Hua Kefu -------- Cement

------ -------- Cement

Pang Guoqiang --------- Cement

This meeting reaches agreement on the following issues:

I. Geotechnical investigation contractor and Holcim have discussed the old payment terms and formed a new payment term in the contract. Both sides agreed that the new payment terms which should be prescribed in geotechnical investigation contract to replace the old term.

II. Geotechnical investigation contractor pointed out that article 6.2 on contract agreement which is not acceptable according to Madagascar law. Contractor required that penalty value lower to 0.3% of the total contract price per day.Huaxin agreed this comment and modify this value to 0.3%.It will be prescribe in the geotechnical investigation contract.

III. As for contractor’s timing of work, Huaxin cement think that it’s too long and can not accept that total work timing. So contractor’s complete work timing is pending.

IV. Due to the EPC contact negotiation between Holcim and Huaxin is suspended, Huaxin can not sign the geotechnical investigation contract right now. However, both sides (--- & ------) agreed the geotechnical investigation contract contents. This


V. Contractor agreed to perform three continuous core drilling for knowing soil layer classification on site. A detailed boreholes layout with different types of tests mark out should be instantly returned to Huaxin after finish the first three continuous core drilling.

VI. For site topography surveying, Huaxin required that six control points are needed for that topography survey. Contractor agreed this suggestion.

VII. Contractor agreed to supply a site seismic report.

VIII. Huaxin required that contactor should reduce the amount of PLT (plate load test) to an appropriate number based on actual site situation. Previously PLT amount is 30 which are too much. Contractor agreed this comment.

IX.Annex: Contract

英語會議記錄模板 [篇2]

Project:Highway 407 East Completion EA Terms of ReferenceTSH No.42-802272 of 3

Action By

How will the Richmond Landfill appeal impact the Highway 407 East Completionproject, in addition to MOE policy decisions?D. Allingham replied that this particular project (Highway 407) would be veryadvanced into the project when the appeal is to be ruled on. The TOR will besubmitted under a different "subsection" of EA legislation and the IEA will be started,most likely by the time the decision is given. J. Slobodzian added that MOE has madeno policy decision regarding the use of a focused or scoped EA. He noted that theAttorney General of Ontario has claimed "intervenor" status, which could be comparedto a peer review of the judicial process being undertaken for this appeal. The AttorneyGeneral is closely watching the appeal process on behalf of the provincial government.If the TOR is to be "simplified", it is not understood why the document has not beensubmitted yet.J. Slobodzian replied the Project Team has been working on a generic Table ofContents that will be applicable to a number of MTO projects. The Project Team hasalso been working with MOE on how to structure the TOR to expedite approval. Theprocess was also delayed by the provincial election.

Does this delay in submitting the TOR mean a year delay for the following IEAprocess?D. Allingham stated it is anticipated that the schedule will be impacted byapproximately one year. The Project Team is still working on a schedule for the IEA.Does the Project Team anticipate that more work will need to be done on theTransportation Planning/Need Report when the IEA is initiated?

J. Slobodzian replied that the core of the document will be retained, however, someadditional work will have to be done to update/re-package, etc. J. Slobodzian alsonoted that the next 2 sets of public meetings are going to be awkward and repetitive aswe have already presented the need and study areas during the draft TOR phase.Is this study going to be finished prior to the next provincial election?

J. Slobodzian replied that the Project Team would like to have the EA filed prior thenext round of provincial and municipal elections.

Finding route alternatives through Durham Region, and Whitby/Ajax in particular,(with respect to a 401-407 link) will be difficult because of development and growth. Ifthis process is delayed further, there may not be sufficient alternatives to evaluate.

J. Slobodzian responded that the Project Team is ma-ki-ng every attempt to expedite theprocess in order to address the noted concern.

At the last Durham Region Planning Committee meeting, there appeared to be somemisunderstanding by the political representatives regarding the Study Areas beingcarried forward in the EA TOR.

Project:Highway 407 East Completion EA Terms of ReferenceTSH No.42-802273 of 3

Action By

Regional staff, along with John Slobodzian confirmed that the Study Areas will have tobe re-examined during the IEA and would not appear in the TOR. The RegionalOfficial Plan includes the Previously Recommended Route of Highway 407 and the401 to 407 links. The Region is attempting to protect route alternatives throughdevelopment review to the best of its ability, yet, without a designated route or studyarea it is very difficult to "freeze" development.

Will the Planning Alternatives ("Alternatives To" the undertaking) be listed in theTOR?

J. Slobodzian responded that there will be no "alternatives to" listed in the TOR. Theywill be developed in consultation with agencies and the public in the IEA. J.Slobodzian added that due to the confusion surrounding the differences between thedraft TOR (2003) and the final TOR (2004), a Preamble/Executive Summary will beprovided during consultation to help the public and agencies better understand thedifferences between the two documents.

How are the Highway 401 improvements going to impact Highway 407?

The transportation capacity gap in Durham Region takes into account both Highway401 and Regional Road improvements.

The Lake Ridge Road interchange with Highway 401 has been delayed because ofHighway 407. It was supposed to be constructed by 2004.J. Slobodzian stated that MTO is co-ordinating the two projects and noted the difficultyin establishing a schedule for construction of Highway 407 at this time

Do the revisions to the TOR impact the proposed federal/provincial co-ordinatedprocess?J. Slobodzian replied that the revised TOR will impact the triggering of the CanadianEnvironmental Assessment Act. CEAA is anticipated to be triggered following theidentification of a preferred alternative to the undertaking during the IEA. J.Slobodzian also noted that there are a number of triggers for CEAA. One triggerrelates to the provision of federal funding for a project. At this time no federal fundingis anticipated for Highway 407 East Completion.

END OF MEETING REPORT.-COK:\PROJECTS\42-80___\80227 Hwy 407 East EA\1_correspondence\Meetings\MTAG\2004-02-20-MTAG-4-Mtg summary.doc

英語會議記錄模板 [篇3]

meeting record

project name: make the report

date of meeting: may 13, 2012

minutes prepared by: zhang huizhuan

charge time to: 20 minutes

1. purpose of the meeting

finish the topic of business results and give the report

2. attendance at meeting

zhang huizhuan li gaojie qiu min li yajun zhen peipei chen na liu dan niu pu

3. meeting agenda

(1) definite the responsibility of every member

(2) talk about how to write the report

(3) make the report to the whole one

4. meeting notes, decision, issues

niu pu is in charge for the introduction;

chen na and li yajun is in charge for ananlysis the chart for sales and market;

the others of the group are responsible for the talk about how to describe the business results

zhang huizhuan makes the conclusion; give the chart for the topic and the whole order of the report.

group: dream sky

英語會議記錄模板 [篇4]


minutes of the directors' meeting

holiday notice

date: ____

place: the meeting room of the company

present: ____


the notice of convening this meeting and the manager's report on the state of business of the company was read by the secretary.


with the consent of the meeting, the chairman made a speech and proposed that a gold metal be given to mr. zhang as a reward for his industrious and successful service in the past 2 years. mr. zhang seconded the motion, which was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously.

signature: ____

date: ____


英語會議記錄模板 [篇5]

minutes of the directors' meeting

holiday notice

date: ____

place: the meeting room of the company

present: ____


the notice of convening this meeting and the manager's report on the state of business of the company was read by the secretary.


with the consent of the meeting, the chairman made a speech and proposed that a gold metal be given to mr. zhang as a reward for his industrious and successful service in the past 2 years. mr. zhang seconded the motion, which was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously.

signature: ____

date: ____









