一堂英語作文 篇1
一堂有趣的英語課(an interesting english class)
as soon as the bell rang, miss bai, our english teacher, came into the classroom。 she usually came in with a book in her hand, but this time she took a bag of fruit。 oh, she became a saleswoman!
she put many apples, pears, oranges and strawberries on her desk。 then she asked us, "can i help you?" my classmates all looked at each other, because they didn't know what to say。 but i stood up, went to her, and answered, "i want some oranges。" miss bai smiled and gave me a lot of orangesand praised me。
i think these oranges are my awards。 don't you think so?
一堂英語作文 篇2
I've had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable.
It was on Tuesday morning in May. Our teacher told us all of a sudden that an American would give us an English lesson. Then in came a young man. He greeted us in English and then began his class. It was quite different from those we had before. During the whole class he taught us several
English songs, played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue. He neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written exercises. He was not serious at all. He was always smiling at each of us.Happy time was always short. Before we knew it, the class was over. We took a photo with our American teacher in the classroom.
I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.
I've had many lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable.
In his class, the American teacher neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written exercises. He just played games with us, taught us several English songs and helped us act out a dialogue.Above all, he was not serious at all. He was always smiling at each of us.It was quite different from those we had before. However, it was strange that all of the students grasped what they learned in class.
I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.
我在學校上過很多很多的課,An Unforgettable Lesson(一堂難忘的課)。其中,一位年輕的美國老師上的課最令我難忘。
一堂英語作文 篇3
我一口答應,就想:奶奶學會后,和老外奶奶交流,說到是我教的后,肯定會獎勵我的。我讓奶奶坐在沙發(fā)上,搬來一只小黑板,在黑板上寫著什么。爺爺也想來聽聽,就也坐在沙發(fā)上。他們都不知我寫什么。我扭頭,對他們說:“悠悠清華英語班開課!”他們都笑了。我在黑板上寫下“one”------“ten”,指著“one”說:“奶奶,這是什么?”奶奶搖搖頭。我說:“是‘wan’、‘tu’!”我認為奶奶學會了,可奶奶說:“一是婉,二是兔子,三是醉,四是斧。”我哈哈大笑起來,對奶奶說:“六是什么?”奶奶一本正經(jīng)的說:“誰個死!”我和爺爺都笑了,奶奶不甘示弱:“七是‘散文’,八是‘哎特’,九是‘奶’,十是‘盆’!”奶奶說她會說英語數(shù)學了,要我教別的。我故意說:“100是one hundred,那10000呢?”恐怕是數(shù)學奶奶是老手吧,她說:“碗喊人的乘碗喊人的`!”我們大笑起來。哎!奶奶!您太幽默了。
一堂英語作文 篇4
I am in primary school now, I have many lessons to learn from Monday to Friday, my favorite subject is English. Last week, my English teacher gave us a task, she asked us to make the presentation of our favorite English celebrity. I chose Avril Lavigne, she is my favorite singer, I have listened to her songs for many years. When I presented the singer, many of my classmates clapped their hands, because they like her, too. Then we share many things about Avril, I felt so happy in that class, it is so interesting, we talked happily, we share our common interest. I will never forget about that class, it causes my passion to learn English.
一堂英語作文 篇5
昨天進行了英語第一單元測試,我想這次的考試成績也不會好到哪里去,等著挨批吧!上課鈴聲一響,因為心虛,我坐得特別好,希望這樣能減輕老師對我的指責。 沒過多久,英語老師拿著英語試卷進來了,果然,開口就講到了昨天的考試。只見 Miss Yu 手上多了兩張小獎狀,我想:什么時候我能拿到獎狀啊,獎狀對我來說實在是遙不可及。
這時,老師開口了:“這一次的考試后,老師為你們準備了兩張小獎狀。一張呢,是為這次測試中成績比較優(yōu)秀的同學準備的;一張呢,是為這次測試中成績進步比較大的同學而準備的。我把這兩張獎狀貼在墻上,希望我們班的同學都能向這些同學學習。具體是哪幾位同學的'名字上墻了,老師在這里就不一一點名了,課后,你們自己去看。在這里,我提幾個同學。首先,我要表揚的是丁炳男同學,在這次考試中他考了 64 分,比上學期有了明顯的進步。同學們有目共睹,這學期下來,丁炳男同學呢,背書非常積極(當然這也有幾位同學付出了汗水),所以這次考試進步了。設想,你們在每次測試中都能進步幾分,那期末結束,你的成績就會提高很多。一分也是進步,幾分也是進步,凡是有了進步就值得大家學習,成為大家的榜樣。接下去,讓我們把掌聲送給他,希望同學們都能夠向他學習! 頓時,教室里響起了一片掌聲,我的心里有藏不住的喜悅。這個掌聲對我意義重大,它給了我信心,這時,我想到:背英語的確有用,以前我考試考得不好是因為我太懶惰了,老師讓我背的東西我都沒有好好背,現(xiàn)在一課課地背下去,心里覺得塌實多了。在以后的日子里,我會更加努力地學習英語,爭取在每次的進步獎狀中留下自己的名字。所以,在接下去老師分析試卷的過程中我聽得異常認真。
一堂英語作文 篇6
we got the news before the english class that some foreign teachers from a middle school in new york would visit our class. we felt excited and nervous.
the bell rang and the foreign teachers came into the classroom. they spoke to us in english one by one. they spoke english clearly and slowly. a woman teacher came to my desk, with a smile on her face. "hello! nice to meet you! "she said friendly. i answered her.
then she asked me some simple questions. we talked with each other for a while. "your english is very good,"she said. i thanked her and felt very happy. then i decided to study english harder than before.
一堂英語作文 篇7