- 大學英語六級歷年寫作真題及 推薦度:
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the importance of self-confidence
confidence, in a broad sense, comprises self- t rust , self-est eem, cour age and indomitability . this definition , though somewhat vague and unsub st antial , can be appr eciated through experience because in our lifetime, we ar e always seeking to achieve something successful and a re always longing to a ttain a glorious goal , which can only be r eached with the spirit of self-confidence .
as is known , self-confidence is accompanied by will , and that as a twin , offer s hope . those who do not have a st rong will often think themselves unable to car ry out any thorny tasks , while those who have do not find the tas ks unsur - mountably difficult . in fact , when our hea r t is void of selfconfidence , every hope is gone, every thing on which we put our hand s seems to be veiled in dark . for instance , according to exper ts , eve ry year in the entr ance examinations of all kinds , fully-prepared candidates lose nearly 5% to 10% of the full scor es , and consequently meet their water loo simply because they unde restimat e their own abilities on the one hand , and over estimate possible difficulties on the other . as a result , their fear to meet new challenge leads to helpless ness in the examina tion .
self-confidence can be regained ( if you have ever lost it ) by building faith in your self . true , what ever you do, you will encounter ha rdships . but succes s will come to you if you ar e courageous enough to strive for it . i f you ar e not , failur e might be your life-companion .
on perseverance
behind eve ry great achievement in anyone ’ s life lies perseverance . we see this in every human endeavour . out -standing sportsmen spend all their time practising . t heir endurance is beyond imagination . the same is t rue of businessmen who build up for tunes . what we usually see a re their achievements , but once we go behind the scenes we will find that they have put in a lot of continual steady ef forts . we all have read of gr ea t musicians , write rs and inventors who have cr eated or discover ed br eakthroughs in human achievement . inva riably they have said that they owe all their success to per - severance . as to college students , quite a big number of them have become s ucces sful language lear ners through persever - ance , however , a cert ain group of them ju st stop half way and their pr evious effor ts turn out to be f ruitless .
of all the countless examples the saga of colonel saunde rs is perhaps one of the most outstanding . the 65-yea r-old man from kentucky had a dr eam to star t a chain of f ried chicken restaur ants all over the wor ld . to realize his dr eam, he knew that he needed a r estaurant owner to go into par tners hip with him to open the first restaur ant and to f ry chicken according to the secret recipe he had . colonel saunde rs had knocked on 1008 doors befor e he finally found his par tne r . it is doubtful whether many of u s would have had the pe rseverance to knock even a hundred doors .
from the above discu ssion we can draw a conclusion that success comes to anyone who keep s working pe rseveringly and lack of persever ance can only result in fru st ra tion and failure .
on failure
everyone expects to succeed in whateve r he/ she does .unfor tunately no one is always successful in all his / her life , not even s uch gr eat people as marx , mao , madam cur rie and einstein . dif ferent people hold diffe rent a ttitudes towards failure. some people become discouraged and are even defeated by failure , while some other people lea rn lessons f rom failur e and continue their effor ts .
there is no denying that failure is a bad thing , but“bad things can turn to good things .”i t all depends on how we deal with it . i f we ar e pes simistic, we will lose hear t . i f we ar e optimistic, we will see hope . i really have sympathy for those who , being badly hur t by failure , lose self-confidence and confidence in life . howeve r , i have even greate r admiration for those who , being stimula ted by failur e, go on st r aight forward to achieve succes s .
i believe in the saying“f ailur e is the mother of success .” if i fail , i will t ry again , i f i fail again . i will t ry and try again .
my understanding of the true meaning of education
with the rapid development of society , almost everyone wants to be educated . howeve r , many people hold an erroneous view towards education . they think , probably most pa rents do , that through education , they will , or their childr en will , turn out to be either prominent schola rs or rich mer - chants . to them, education s uggests me rely fame or riches .
the aim of education , in my understanding , is set upon deeper and more impor tant mental accomplishments and moral cultur e . when we study at school or at the university , we a re cer tainly aiming at a profound learning of various subjects , for that is one of the essential things and a fundamental indispensable for building up our futur e car eer . equally impor tant is the moral education which we mu st r eceive eithe r at school or a t the university, for building our cha racter .
on the other hand , education does not simply mean “ going to school .”we cannot consider ourselves well-educated and supe rior just because we ar e the for tunat e ones who can go somewhe re to study , thus looking down upon those who cannot get such golden chances as ours . it is a t ruth univer sally known that that a doctor is dif ferent from a black smith is not because the forme r has r eceived higher education and the latt er has not .
to conclude my essay , i would like to quote an old saying“ lea rn whatever it may be, whenever you can , and whenever you will , ”and this , i thin k , is the t rue meaning of education .
on work efficiency
mor e and more people have become awa re of the significance of work efficiency . what does work ef ficiency mean ? fir st of all , it mean s working without any waste of time . a person with efficiency can produce mor e things in less time . in addition , work efficiency is closely linked with bett er quality of work results .
many people ar e inter ested in improving their work ef ficiency becau se it can bring a lot of benefits both to an individual and to the society .
the most obvious benefit of wor k efficiency is that a per - son can use the time saved to do a lot of other valuable things . for example , a student who studies with high efficiency can win time to r ead more books , and to be engaged in mor e activities . another benefit is that a per son who works efficiently can have more leisur e time to enjoy life . he can do wha tever he likes to do in his leisure time , such as listening to music , going to movies , shopping , and touring .
high ef ficiency in work will undoubtedly lead to the gr eainc rease of output and the improvement of the quality of products , which will , in turn , contribute to the development and the prosperity of the society .