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時間:2020-08-25 13:04:49 專八 我要投稿


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  In this section, you will hear a mini-lecture. You willhear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, takenotes on the important points. Your notes will not bemarked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture isover, you'll be given two minutes to check yournotes, and another 10 minutes to complete thegap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture.

  Good morning. We'll continue with our introduction of American minorities. Today's focus is onChinese Americans. For many years it was common in the United States to associate ChineseAmericans with restaurants and laundries. People did not realize that the Chinese had beendriven into these occupations by the prejudice and discrimination that used to face them inthis country. The first group of Chinese came during the California Gold Rush of 1849. Likemost of the other people there, they had come to search for gold. In that largely unoccupiedland, they stated a claim for themselves by placing markers in the ground. However, eitherbecause the Chinese were so different from the others or because they so patiently that theysometimes succeeded in turning a seemingly worthless mining claim into a profitable one,they became the scapegoats of their envious competitors. They were harassed in many ways.Often they were prevented working on their claims; some localities even passed regulationsforbidding them to own claims. Therefore, these Chinese had to seek out other ways ofearning a living. Some of them began to do the laundry for the white miners; others set upsmall restaurants. There were almost no women in California in those days, and the Chinesefilled a real need by doing this “woman's work”. Some others went to work as farmhands or asfishermen. In the early 1860's, a second group of Chinese arrived in California. This time, theywere imported as work crews to construct the first transcontinental railroad. The work was sostrenuous and dangerous, and it was carried on in such a remote part of the country, that therailroad company could not find other laborers for the job. As in the case of their predecessors,these Chinese were almost all males and they encountered a great deal of prejudice. Thehostility grew especially strong after the railroad project was completed, and the importedlaborers returned to California, all out of work. Because there were so many more of them thistime, these Chinese drew even more attention than the earlier group did. They were so differentin every aspect: in their physical appearance, in their language, and in their religion. They werecontemptuously called “heathen Chinese”. When times were hard, they were blamed for workingfor lower wages and taking jobs away from white men. And these white men were actuallyrecent immigrants themselves. Anti-Chinese riots broke out in many cities. Some evendeveloped into arson and bloodshed. The Chinese were not allowed to make legal appeals andthey were not accepted as American citizens. Californians began to demand that no moreChinese be permitted to enter their state. Finally, in 1882, the Congress passed the ChineseExclusion Act, which stopped the immigration of Chinese laborers. Many Chinese returned totheir homeland, and their numbers declined sharply in the early part of this century. However,during World War Two, when China was an ally of the United States, the Exclusion laws wereended; a small number of Chinese were allowed to immigrate each year, and Chinese couldbecome American citizens. In 1965, in a general revision of our immigration laws, many moreChinese were permitted to settle here. From the start, the Chinese had lived apart in their ownseparate neighborhoods, which came to be known as “Chinatowns'. In each of them theresidents organized an unofficial government to make rules for the community and to settledisputes. Many people couldn't find jobs on the outside, and they went into business forthemselves, primarily to serve their own neighborhood. As for laundries and restaurants, someof them soon spread to other parts of the city, since such services continued to be in demandamong non-Chinese, too. To this day, certain Chinatowns, especially those of San Franciscoand New York, are very busy, thriving communities. They have become great attractions fortourists and for those who enjoy Chinese food. Most of today's Chinese Americans are thedescendants of some of the early miners and railroad workers. Those immigrants had beenuneducated farm laborers in the vicinity of Canton in Southeast China before they came toAmerica.Even after having lived here for several generations, Chinese Americans retain manyaspects of their ancient culture. For example, their family ties continue to be remarkably strong.Members of the family lend each other moral support and also practical help when necessary.From a very young age children are taught with the old values and attitudes, including respectfor their elders and a feeling of responsibility to the family. This helps to explain why there is solittle juvenile delinquency among them. The high regard for education, and the willingness towork very hard to gain advancement, are other noteworthy characteristics of theirs. Thisexplains why so many descendants of uneducated laborers have succeeded in becomingdoctors, lawyers, and other professionals. By the way, many of the most outstanding ChineseAmerican scholars, scientists, and artists are more recent arrivals. They come from China'sformer upper class and they represent its high cultural traditions. Chinese Americans make uponly a tiny fraction of the American population. They live chiefly in California, New York, andHawaii. As American attitudes toward minorities and toward ethnic differences have changed inrecent years, the long-hated Chinese have gained wide acceptance. Today, they are generallyadmired for many remarkable characteristics, and are often held up as an example worthfollowing. And their numerous contributions to their adopted land are much appreciated.Now, we are coming to the end of our lecture. Our focus for next week will be on AfricanAmericans. Thank you for your attention.









