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Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > the origin English edition of the Allhallows of origin English edition of Allhallows on October 13, 2012 15:09:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. Release offer a reward instantly >> the traditional festival that Allhallows is western country. This is called overnight in a year most “ be haunted “ overnight, because this also cries “ spirit division “ . Where is the origin that how introduces Allhallows with English? Encyclopedia of Allhallows English data consults for everybody. The origin English of Allhallows introduces Halloween, orHallowe En, isaholidaycelebratedonthenightofOctober31.Halloweenactivitiesincludetrick-or-treating,


ghosttours, bonfires, costumeparties, visiting”hauntedhouses” , carvingJack-o-lanterns, readingscarystoriesandwatchinghorrormovies.IrishimmigrantscarriedversionsofthetraditiontoNorthAmericainthenineteenthcentury.Otherwesterncountriesembracedtheholidayinthelatetwentiethcentury.HalloweeniscelebratedinseveralcountriesoftheWesternworld,

mostcommonlyintheUnitedKingdom, theUnitedStates, canada, ireland, puertoRico, japan, newZealand,



thefestivalwasatimeusedbytheancientpaganstotakestockofsuppliesandslaughterlivestockforwinterstores.TheancientGaelsbelievedthatonOctober31, nowknownasHalloween, theboundarybetweenthealiveandthedeceaseddissolved,


http://emrowgh.comstumesandmaskswerealsowornatthefestivalsinanattempttomimictheevilspiritsorplacatethem. Allhallows, be internationally the festival is celebrated on October 31. The activity of Allhallows includes travel of candied, phantom, bonfire, masque, the tourist attraction of visiting be haunted, like sculpture blaze of double eye - Lanterns, read and see horror piece grim story. The tradition that Irish immigrant takes version is in to North America 19 centuries. Other west country accepted the red-letter day of 20 centuries later period. Allhallows is a few countries of western world, the commonnest is to be in the United States, Canada, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Japan, New Zealand, England, now and then the part in Australia. The official of all saint that go vacationing in Sweden is in the first of November Saturday. Allhallows comes from Kaierte Sa Wen Jie of the person. In Gukaierte in the persons belief, will

begin one new year on November 1, or Wen Jie weighing Sa (Samhain) . The white astronomical phenomena with shorter no less than is asked for new beginning of a year, sunset also symbolizes new beginning of a day the festival that; reaps every year so will begin in the evening on October

31. Crop of meeting burning point regards the druidism person that does not list bump archipelago as oblation, and when dancing round igneous caboodle when them, sun season is met be over and immediately of Sa Wen Jie begins. The person believes Kaierte divine Samhain of death is in October 31 be met in the evening and soul world of a return, search vicarious. Accordingly they ignite torch, burn the magical tribute that the animal dies with regarding as. The dress of the head that still can use an animal or fur make it dresses up oneself, give out curious sound, make dead god does not admit to give his, had avoided catastrophic. This is today Allhallows makes up the origin of ball. Halloween(Halloween)(alsoknownasHalloween, halloween)inthe31Octobereachyear, isthetraditionalfestivalofEnglish-speakingworld, mainlypopularinNorthAmerica, britishIsles, australia, canadaandNewZealand.Manypublicplacesandeventhehomeyard, willthelayoutofalotofdecoration, suchasvarioustypesofghostsYeah, pumpkinlightsYeah, thereareblackcatsandwitchesbroomandthelike;ChildrenwillwearHalloweencostumeseveryyearisdifferent, carryingalanterntoprovidedoortodoortodiscusssugarbasket, sayingitwas”TrickorTreat” . HalloweenintheOctober31thenightbefore, infact, istopraisethefallfestival, justlikeMayDayholidayinthespringasacompliment.AncientGaul, britainandIreland, thepriest-druidautumnagrandfestivalofpraise, frommidnightafterHalloweenuntilthenextday, http://emrowgh.comheirview,




wasenoughtomakesi-mp-le-mindedfoolswhofightheartunderstandingofthegallbladder.Sotheylittheskyoffire, andclosesurveillanceoftheseevilspirits.Today, throughoutEurope, peoplehaveHalloweenasenjoyslapstick,

ghoststoryandagoodopportunitytoscareeachother.SopeoplearenolongerjustusedtopraisethisAutumnFestival, butitturnedintoareal”Carnival. “THefacialmakeupistheHalloweentraditionofoneoftheprograms. Night of 10 thousand emperor (Halloween)(calls ghost the section again, allhallows is overnight) be in annual on October 31, it is the traditional festival of English world, main popularity at North America, do not list bump archipelago, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. A lot of public and even the compound that occupy the home, can decorate on a lot of decoration, such as is various phantom ah, pumpkin lamp ah, the children of; of broom and so on that still have black cat and witch can be put on annual different Allhallows dress, carrying pumpkin lamp carry basket to denounce candy from door to door, saying is “ do not give candy with respect to make trouble (Trickortreak) “ night of 10 thousand emperor is in the before one night October 31, it is to praise actually autumnal festival, be like section of 5 new moon is to praise vernal red-letter day is same. The archaic tall Lu, flamen that does not list bump and Ireland- - Deluyide has to praise royal festival of the autumn, the midnight after Cong Mosheng night begins, till morrow will last on November 1 full a day. They think, in their great in the evening that day Azrael- - Samanhui the soul that year of gone person completely call in, these cacodaemon should be held in the palm give birth to the penalty that is domestic animals. Of course, want to think of the party of this kind of ghosts only,

the fool that makes those shallow-brained at that time with respect to enough of forgive of heart of civilian bravery battle. Then they light a towering bonfire, close surveillance these cacodaemon. Be in whole Europe nowadays, people regards night of 10 thousand emperor play to the top of ones bent be troubled by, the main chance of the story that discuss sinister plot and mutual gally. Then people uses this red-letter day merely no longer praise Qiu Guang, let it become however true “ orgiastic “ . And types of facial makeup in operas makes up is one of Allhallows tradition programs.

HalloweenHalloweenisanautumnholidaythatAmericanscelebrateeveryyear.Itmeans”holyevening, “AnditcomeseveryOctober31, theeveningbeforeAllSaintsDay.However, itisnotreallyachurchholiday, itisaholidayforchildrenmainly.Everyautumn, whenthevegetablesarereadytoeat,

childrenpicklargeorangepumpkins.Thentheycutfacesinthepumpkinsandputaburningcandleinside.Itlooksasiftherewereapersonlookingoutofthepumpkin! Theselightsarecalledjack-o-lanterns, whichmeans”Jackofthelantern”.ThechildrenalsoputonstrangemasksandfrighteningcostumeseveryHalloween.Somechildrenpainttheirf-acestolooklikemonsters.Thentheycarryboxesorbagsfromhousetohouse.Everytimetheycometoanewhouse, theysay, “Trickortreat! Moneyoreat! “Thegrown-upsputtreat-moneyorcandyintheirbags.Notonlychildren,


theycandisguisethemselvesaspersonagesorghostastheirimaginationswillleadthem.Thisbringthemthesatisfactionofbeingyoung. Halloween Halloween is the fall red-letter day that American can celebrate year after year. Its means “ divine night “ , be in annual on October 31, namely Allhallows is overnight. But actually this is not a true religious festival, basically is the festival of children. Annual autumnal vegetable is mature and OK edible when, children are met the orange pumpkin of winkle large size. Go up in pumpkin next engrave a piece of face, the candle that ignites is put inside. Be like somebody to be outside Xiang Na melon it seems that look around. These lamps are called “ Iack-o-lantems “ , meaning namely “ Jackies lamp “ . Annual Halloween children still wear strange mask, put on fearsome dress. Some children brush the face into an eccentric person. Next they are taking a case or bag strings together the door from door to door. Every come to a new building they say: “Not xenial make trouble! Give money or eat! “ old people is met be put in their bag with the money that will entertain or candy. Not only the child, a lot of adult also like Halloween and Halloween evening party. Because of this day they can imagine according to their dress up oneself into distinguished personages or ghostliness. This meeting brings them young pleasant sensation. About the story HALLOWEENOnestoryaboutJack of Allhallows, anIrishman, whowasnotallowedintoHeavenbecausehewasstingywithhismoney.Sohewassenttohell.ButdownthereheplayedtricksontheDevil(Satan) , sohewaskickedoutofHellandmadetowalktheearthforevercarryingalantern.Well,





allkindsoforange-pa-pe-rjack-o-lanterns.Andfromblackpa-pe-ryoudcut”scary”designs---Anevilwitchwithapointedhatridingthroughtheskyonabroomstick, maybewithblackbatsflyingacrossthemoon, andthatmeantbadluck.Andofcourseblackcatsformorebadluck.Sometimesablackcatwouldrideawayintotheskyonthebackofthewitchsbroom.AndonHalloweennightweddressupinMomorDadsoldshoesandclothes, putonamask, andbereadytogooutside.Thelittlekids(childrenyoungerthanwewere)hadtogowiththeirmothers,

butweolderoneswenttogethertoneighborshouses, ringingtheirdoorbellandyelling, “Trickortreat! “Meaning, “Giveusatreat(somethingtoeat)orwellplayatrickonyou! “Thepeopleinsideweresupposedtocometothedoorandcommentonourcostumes.Oh! Heresaghost.Oh, theresawitch.Oh,


“BUtwhatifnoonecometothedoor, orifsomeonechasedusaway? Thenwedplayatrickonthem, usuallytakingapieceofsoapandmakemarksontheirwindows. .Andafterwardswewouldgohomeandcountwhogotthemostcandy.Onepopularteen-agersHalloweentrickwastounrollarolloftoiletpa-pe-randthrowithighintoatreeagainandagainuntilthetreewasallwrappedinthewhitepa-pe-r.Thepa-pe-rwouldoftenstayinthetreeforweeksuntilaheavysnoworrain,

butitmadeabigmessofboththetreeandtheyardunderit.OnekindofHalloweenm-ischief. Have a such stories about Allhallows. It is to say to one calls love Er of Jackie half orchid person, because he is right money is especially other and tight, do not allow him to enter heaven, and hell be infiltratinged. But over him often embarrass devil Satan, be kicked to give hell so, punish him to carrying a lantern to walk in the world forever. In October the children of 31 days of Ireland use potato and Luo Bo to make “ Jackies lantern “ , they among dig up, apparently burrow is in inside the candle on the dot. Celebrate all saints day of spirit of mind of Yi of superintend and director for the village, children are carrying this kind of lantern from door to door beg plan food. ? The Irish name of this kind of lantern is “ the Jackie that takes a lantern “ or “ Jackies lantern “ , is abbreviate Jack-o-lantern? Jack-o-lantern is in the spelling. All saints day that you read in most book now is childrens happy night only. In elementary school school, allhallows is annual October portion begins to celebrate. Children can make the decoration of Allhallows: The pumpkin lamp of various nacarat. Can you do a terrible shaping with black pa-pe-r? ? One rides in broom on those who wear hat of the needle that write a needle is sibylline had flown sky, black perhaps bat has flown moon. These are represented ill-fated. Luck of delegate of black of course cat is poorer. Can appear occasionally the shaping that black cat rides at the back of sibylline broom to fly to the sky. In Allhallows in the evening, we are wearing the old clothes of father mother and old shoe, wear a mask, the plan goes out. Smaller than us child must go out together with their mother, we are a bit bigger jeer to get house home, press their doorbell and cry aloud: “The mischief still is entertained! “ means eats to us, otherwise we with respect to embarrass you. Should the people inside go? Those who evaluate us is masked. “Oh! This is ghost, that is sibylline, this is a carline. “ occasionally they can play together with us, pretend by ghost sibylline perhaps be being frightened. But they can take a few candy normally or the apple puts into us “ the mischief still is entertained “ in the pocket. Can if nobody answers a doorbell,you be or does somebody drive us how should do? We with respect to embarrass they, it is to take a soap to besmear their glass farfetchedly normally. Next we come home, count whose candy is most. The Allhallows game that still has a typical case is toilet pa-pe-r pulls open a hank, keep be being

thrown toward the tree, be wrapped to rise by white pa-pe-r completely till the tree? . Unless rain heavily to develop pa-pe-r, pa-pe-r can stay on the tree all the time. This does not cause real harm, it is a tree and courtyard jumble only, the mischief of a kind of Allhallows.

萬圣節(jié)的由來起源英文版2016-10-30 14:17 | #2樓

in fact, similar to halloween in western china, mesoproterozoic鬼節(jié), october 31, all the ghosts, witches, and the ghost of dead will be out in the evening halloween loitering. you must also remember that the film is taking advantage of halloween et when dressed in linen modeling to easily escape anyone's eyes and ears, and a smooth escape!

halloween comes from the meaning of the word "saints night" or "regarded as sacred nights." halloween halloween is the eve of religious festival (november 1) the day before, but also christian saints miss friends and family members who died days, we pull together to worship and to the grave memorial.

we put time back to more than 2,000 years ago, every year on october 31 on the eve of the celtic people (currently scot and irish) annual慶豐收ceremonies, as a symbol of the end of the year and the beginning of the year, at this time every year is塞爾維ethnic expression on titan respects. because the sun in charge of food and grains category harvest, so that the celtic family can cope with the cold winter! the relative strength of the resident evil night is the most powerful, so celtic family shaman ceremonies and祭師will be held with the feast, in charge of death appease god.

the ancient scots and the irish people for fear of the advent of halloween, afraid of their own bodies were occupied by the ghost of dead, so they want to scare away the ghost of the best way is to be herself up as the specter of more terrorist or vampire, and then the words on the pumpkin terrible鬼臉, good scare away those dead to the孤魂野鬼. therefore, when times more progress, more and more remote ghost legends and not when halloween has become a very fun celebration, we can manage to find ways self-entertainment entertain people, most of the frightened and nervous terrorist, dressed shown to play purposes.

of course, there is a more serious argument is that the word halloween (halloween), originally from hallow-eve two characters have evolved over time, the annual november 1, is the roman catholic church will be set at all saints or halloween to commemorate all the saints to death, but many people believe is the cult in this holy day before, instead of everywhere for chaos, destruction, it is part of the catholics, and even think it is the devil's holiday, and on treat or trick activities abhor!


october 31st (western countries)halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years.

the holiday has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. from the roman's pomona day, to the celtic festival of samhain,to the christian holidays of all saints and all souls days. hundreds of years ago in what is now great britain and northern france, lived the celts (凱爾特人), who worshipped nature and had many gods, with the sun god as their favorite. they celebrated their new year on november 1st which was made every year with a festival and marked the end of the "season of the sun" and the beginning of "the season of darkness and cold. "on october 31st after the crops were all harvested and stored for the long winter the cooking fires in the homes would be extinguished. the druids, the celtic priests, would meet in the hilltop in the dark oak forest (oak trees were considered sacred). they would light new fires and offer sacrifices of crops and animals. as they

danced around the fires, the season of the sun passed and the season of darkness would begin. when the morning arrived the druids would give an ember from their fires to each family who would then take them home to start new cooking fires. these fires would keep the homes warm and free from evil spirits.the november 1st festival was called samhain pronounced "sow-en"). the festival would last for 3 days. many people would parade in costumes made from the skins and heads of their animals. this festival would become the first halloween.

the celtics would carry a lantern when they walked on the eve of october 31. these lanterns were carved out of big turnips (大頭菜) and the lights were believed to keep the evil spirits away. children would carve faces in the turnips. these carved turnips were called "jack-o-lanterns. it is said that the jack-o-lantern" got its name from a stingy and mean old man, named jack, who when he died was too mean to get into heaven. when jack went to hell he was meet by the devil who gave him a piece of burning coal and sent him away. jack placed the burning coal in a turnip to use as a lantern to light his way. the legends claim that jack is still walking with the lantern looking for a place to stay.when the early settlers came to america they found the big round orange pumpkin. being larger and much more colorful than turnips, the pumpkin made great "jack-o-lanterns". eventually the pumpkin would replace the turnip. eventually the pumpkin would become the most widely recognized symbol of the halloween holiday. the history of "trick'o'treating" can be traced back to the early celebrations of all soul's day in britain. the poor would go begging and the housewives would give them special treats called "soulcakes". this was called "going a-souling", and the "soulers" would promise to say a prayer for the dead.over time the custom changed and the town's children became the beggars. as they went from house to house they would be given apples, buns (圓形的小甜面包), and money. during the pioneer days of the american west, the housewives would give the children candy to keep from being tricked. the children would shout "trick or treat!".

萬圣節(jié)的由來英文版2016-10-30 17:44 | #3樓


halloween,is an international holiday celebrated on october 31.halloween activities include trick-or-treating,ghost tours,bonfires,costume parties,visiting haunted attractions,carving jack-o'-lanterns,reading scary stories and watching horror movies.irish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to north america in the nineteenth century.other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century.halloween is celebrated in several countries of the western world,most commonly in the united states,canada,ireland,puerto rico,japan,new zealand,united kingdom and occasionally in parts of australia.in sweden the all saints' official holiday takes place on the first saturday of november.


next to christmas,halloween is the most commercialized celebration in the united states and canada.this ancient festival originated far from north america however,and centuries before the first european set foot on the continent.

the ancient druids 督伊德教(古代高盧人與不列顛人的一種宗教)的教徒 who inhabited what we now call great britain placed great importance on the passing of one season to the next,holding "fire festivals" which were celebrated for three days (two days on either side of the day itself).

one of these festivals was called samhain (pronounced sha-von) and it took place on october 31 through to november 1.during this period,it was believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened,allowing spirits of the recently dead to cross over and possess the living.



其中一個節(jié)日被稱作萬圣節(jié),它將從10月31日至11月1日.在這期間,他們認為,我們的世界之間的界限,死者的世界被削弱,允許剛剛死去的鬼魂穿越生活.friendly迷2015-10-09october 31 each year is halloween (halloween), also known as halloween, halloween pumpkins on this day every family will be lifted to a child lights and unlimited distribution of sweets, halloween is the children and therefore their favorite festivals. the origin of halloween is the five hundred years before christ, when, living in ireland, scotland and other places it is believed that the spirits will be october 31 during the lifetime of the day return to place of residence, and the living creatures who seek to obtain regeneration opportunities. people worry that the ghost to seize their own lives, so when october 31 comes, will all the lights put out, ma-ki-ng the ghost could not find the living, people would look like dressed up as ghosts and goblins to scare away the ghosts.

as time goes by, the meaning of halloween has become contained by means of celebration. so now a symbol of halloween monsters and pictures, have become a lovely and looks like trivial, such as pumpkin monsters, witches and so on. americans love their creativity, while doing all it can on this day will be its own kind of ghosts dressed ghost mode, so that halloween has become more interesting.

halloween on this day, the united states will host halloween carnival will be everywhere, and the streets can be seen everywhere exciting live performances, stage magic illusion staged, realistic corpse and the ghost tour, and all kinds of horror films will be shown. in the evening, we rush to rack up spider silk, and then to help the actors responsible for the scary makeup. haunted house of the content, mostly related to the subject matter of the film, such as: the mummy, the chronicles of riddick, ghost stories ... the arrangement of these scenes, make-up techniques and costumes, like a real situation, a moment's inattention and unquestionably scream .

with regard to halloween, people are more or less have a certain amount of emotional awareness: know that halloween, many public places, and even at home courtyard, will be arranged in many decoration, such as the various types of ghosts ah, pumpkin lights yeah, there are black as well as the witch's broom and the like; kids wearing different halloween costumes every year, carrying a basket to put pumpkin lights from house to house to discuss sugar, said to be "trick or treak". in addition, you want to know more about some? here we briefly outline the origins and customs of halloween. 每年10月31日是萬圣節(jié)(halloween),也叫鬼節(jié),萬圣節(jié)這一天家家會吊起南瓜燈并無限給小孩子派發(fā)糖果,也因此萬圣節(jié)是小孩子們最愛的節(jié)日之一。萬圣節(jié)的由來是在公元前五百年時,居住在愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭等地的人們相信,亡魂會在10月31日這一天回到生前所居住的地方,并在活人的身上找尋生靈,以獲得再生的機會。人們擔(dān)心鬼魂來奪取自己的生命,故當(dāng)10月31日到來時,會將所有燈光熄掉,使得鬼魂無法找尋到活人,人們還將自己打扮成妖魔鬼怪的樣子以將鬼魂嚇走。



關(guān)于萬圣節(jié),人們或多或少都有了一定的感性認知:知道萬圣節(jié)期 間,許多公共場所乃至居家院落,都會布置上很多裝璜,諸如各式鬼怪呀、南瓜燈呀、還有黑貓以及巫婆的掃帚之類;孩子們會穿上每年不一樣的萬圣節(jié)服裝,拎著南瓜燈的提簍去挨家挨戶地討糖,說是“trick or treak”。除此之外,你還想多知道一點嗎?我們在此簡單介紹一下萬圣節(jié)的由來與習(xí)俗。

halloween. halloween.收起可愛小丹丹12015-10-09the celtic people, who lived more than 2000 years ago feared the evening of oct. 31 more than any other day of the year. it was the eve of their festival of samhain. samhain was a joyful harvest festival that marked the death of the old year and the beginning of a new one. the day itself was a time for paying homage to the sun god baal who had provided the people with the ripened grain for use in the upcoming winter. come evening evil spirits were everywhere. charms and spells were said to have more power on the eve of samhain. several rituals were performed by the celtic priests, druids, to appease the lord of the dead.

in western countries, the annual october 31, there's halloween, dictionaries interpreted as "the eve of all saints'day", english translation: halloween night.

with regard to halloween, people are more or less have a certain amount of emotional awareness: know that halloween, many public places, and even at home courtyard, will be arranged in many decoration, such as the various types of ghosts ah, pumpkin lights yeah, there are black as well as the witch's broom and the like; kids wearing different halloween costumes every year, carrying a basket to put pumpkin lights from house to house to discuss sugar, said to be "trick or treak". in addition, you want to know more about some? here we briefly outline the origins and customs of halloween.

first, the origin of halloween:

with regard to the origin of halloween, the largest version of the legend that it was before the birth of christ from the ancient western european countries, mainly including ireland, scotland and wales. this is a few western europeans of the ancient people called the druids. druids of the new year in the november 1, new year's eve, drewett young people who set team, wearing all kinds of weird masks and carrying carved turnips a good light (the latter part of the department of pumpkin lights customs, the ancient western europe first there is no pumpkin), they walk in the villages between. this was actually a kind of harvest celebration; also said to be "halloween", legend of those who died that year, the soul will be the eve of halloween visit to death, they said that people should be allowed to visit the ghost to see the ghost of a successful harvest and to render abundant hospitality. all bonfire and lights, one hand in order to scare away the ghost, but also illuminates the road for the ghosts to guide their return.

in medieval europe, there had been the history of christianity to destroy infidels. however, before the new year's eve celebration worship never really removed, but in the form of witchcraft. this is why we are now halloween, but are also left witch's brooms, black cats, spells and other traces.

2, halloween production of the word:

many people are in a halloween celebration party, which in turn is called "all hallow e'en", "the eve of all hallows", "hallow e'en", or "the eve of all saintas'day". ultimately established by usage evolved into "halloween", the chinese translation became a halloween night.

3, "trick or treat" legend:

today, the kids went house to house to dress the custom of sugar is said to originated in ireland. irish pagan ancient times in western europe who believe that halloween will be clustered at the home near the ghost and accept a banquet. thus, in the "banquet" after villagers would dress up the ghost of the wizard, walk outside the village to guide ghosts away from evil to avoid disaster. meanwhile, the villagers also note that the front yard after the house at the mercy of some fruits and other food, feed the ghost without alienating them enough to hurt humans and animals, or exploitation of other crops. later, this custom has continued down, it becomes a laugh at the kids can not be generous house joke.

as for the pumpkin lights at least two different ways. man hollowing out a pumpkin is also engraved with a face point, the ghost of the candle used to disperse; another point is the ghost of the candle, trying to cheat the people taken in and follow the ghost to go, so people on the surf-ace of the pumpkin engraved with a mockery of the face to make fun of the ghost: humph! you would on a fool's trap. legend because the first is the one with the pumpkin irish jack, so people turn grimace pumpkin light is called jack-o-lantern.

4, the present halloween

halloween spread to this day do not have the color of religious superstition, it became a children's program, but also young people masquerade programs.

community to the festival's activities have also been doing positive guidance: requires adults to teach children not do threatening hoax, also requires adults to go out with the kids (usually adults and cars parked on the roadside, children go to knock on the door discuss sugar) . adults should require that children be allowed to go to the door, and a point of holiday lights decorated the families who, otherwise, do not disturb. also discuss the process of sugar must always be standing at the door to wait, not allowed to entered the room, to recover the sugar but also check the national chiao tung university who eat before xu. children in host families are also asked not to produce their own food nor to non-packaged food.

public places, as well as at home around the holiday arrangements are voluntary. grimace pumpkin lights, white and black spider nets, which are all decorated with holiday has completely without frightening the ghost color. some female students have obvious reasons to buy at this time would be a pair of pumpkin or a ghost skull earrings to wear. which layout do if there is too much horror, and would be subjected to the parties concerned to stop the media exposure will make it so that the public blame.

halloween costumes, but also relative to 10000 million people, not monotony of the big ghost imp. there are many channels to teach people how to make halloween costumes. for example, the si-mp-lest of ghosts produced clothing with a white sheet on top of his head, do not forget to buckle two holes to stay out of the eye that is; if they want to play a magician, put on black black pants, and then wear a black hat , and the hat with his head hidden between a plush bunny back; also taught adults how to dress their children into small angel, white bai ku, and then how to tie a flashlight from behind the head; also have to teach how to dress their children into their like the cartoon image. of course, costumes and props industry, business people are more to do in the article.

halloween is not school holidays. sometimes the school come forward to organize parties, and sometimes unwilling students will host their own mini-show; while friends and family of human inter-ji heka wish happy halloween has become popular among the custom every year in october. today, advances in the internet makes it easier to send halloween cards economy, and some sites even inspired to design a variety of animation with sound effects halloween cards, such as: http://emrowgh.com etc., free of charge so that everyone to use.

in short, halloween has become a very common westerners seasonal festivals. many people see this as the end of autumn and winter's arrival. halloween is over, people began to look forward to thanksgiving day, christmas and even the new year.收起









