1.Pattern Material
Wood is the most common material for patterns. It is easy to work and readily available. Properly selected and kiln-dried mahogany, walnut, white pine, and sugar pine are often used. Sugar pine is most often used because it is easily worked and is generally free from warping and cracking. Moisture in the wood should be about 5 to 6% to avoid warping, shrinking, or expanding of the finished pattern.
Metal patterns may be loose or mounted. If usage warrants a metal pattern, then the pattern probably should be mounted on a plate and include the gating system. Metal is used when a large number of castings are desired from a pattern or when conditions are too severe for wooden patterns. Metal patterns wear well. Another advantage of a metal pattern is freedom from warping in storage. Commonly a metal pattern is itself cast from a master pattern and can be replaced readily if damaged or worn.
Patterns are made of plaster and plastics. Plaster patterns are easy to make; they can be cast where original molds are available. However, plaster is brittle and not suitable for molding large numbers of sand castings. Plastics serve in several ways for pattern making. Some conventional patterns are made of abrasion-resistant plastics with cost and durability between wood and metal. Another use of certain plastics is to make emergency patterns quickly or to salvage worn or broken patterns.
2.Cleaning , Finishing Castings
After solidification and removal from the molds, most castings require some cleaning and finishing. These may involve all or several of the following steps:
1. Removing cores.
2. Removing gates and risers.
3. Removing fins and rough spots from the surface.
4. Cleaning the surface.
5. Repairing any defects.
The required operations are not always done in the same order, and the particular casting process may eliminate some of them. Because cleaning and finishing operations may involve considerable expense, some consideration should be given to them in designing castings and in selecting the casting method to be used. Often substantial savings can be effected. In recent years much attention has been given to mechanizing these operations.
Sand cores usually can be removed by shaking. Sometimes they must be removed by dissolving the core binder. On small castings, gates and risers can often be knocked off. However, on large castings, and often on small castings, they must be cut off, On nonferrous and cast iron castings this usually is done by means of an abrasive cutoff wheel, power hacksaw or bandsaw. Gates and risers on steel castings, especially large ones, are often removed by an oxyacetylene torch.
After the gates and risers are removed, small castings are often put through tumbling barrels, to remove fins, snags, and sand that adhere to the surface. Tumbling also may be used to remove cores and, in some cases, gates and risers. Frequently, some type of shot or slug material is added to the barrel to aid in the cleaning. Larger castings may be passed through a cleaning chamber on a conveyor, wherein they are subjected to blasts of abrasive or cleaning material. Large castings usually have to be finished manually, using pneumatic chisels, portable grinders, and manually directed blast hoses in separate cleaning rooms.
Although it is desirable that casting contain no defects, it is inevitable that some will occur, particularly in large castings where only one or a few of a particular design are made. Some types of defects can be repaired readily and satisfactorily by arc welding. However it is imperative that the casting be of a material that can be welded satisfactorily, that all defective areas be removed down to sound metal by grinding, or chipping, and that a sound repair weld be made.
通過搖晃砂芯通?梢匀コS袝r(shí) ,他們必須通過解散砂心粘結(jié)劑來去除。小鑄件,澆注系統(tǒng)和冒口往往可以被打掉。然而,在大型鑄件以及小鑄件,他們必須切斷。對(duì)于非鐵金屬鑄件和鑄鐵件的澆注系統(tǒng)與冒口,一般用切割砂輪、電動(dòng)弓鋸或帶鋸去除。鋼鑄件的閥門和立管,尤其是大企業(yè),往往是通過氧乙炔火焰來去除。
3.Sand Conditioning and Control
Sand used to make must be carefully conditioned and controlled in order to give satisfactory and uniform results. Ordinary silica(SiO2), zircon, or olivine ( forsterite and fayalite ) are compounded with additives to meet four requirement:
1. Refractoriness: the ability to withstand high temperatures.
2. Cohesiveness (referred to as bond): the ability to retain a given shape when packed in a mold.
3. Permeability: the ability to permit gases to escape through it.
4. Collapsibility: the ability to permit the metal to shrink after it solidifies.
Refractoriness is provided by the basic nature of the sand. Cohesiveness, bond, or strength is obtained by coating the sand grains with clays, such as bentonite, kaolin or illite, that become cohesive when moistened. Collapsibility is obtained by adding cereals or other organic materials such as cellulose, that burn out when exposed to the hot metal, thereby reducing the volume of solid bulk and decreasing the strength of the restraining sand. Permeability is primarily a function of the sand particles, the amount and types of clays or other bonding agents, and the moisture content.
Sand control. Although sand control is of concern to the designer of castings, it is a matter of great concern to the foundry worker, who is expected to deliver castings of good and consistent quality.Standard tests and procedures have been developed to maintain consistent sand quality by evaluating grain size, moisture content, clay content, mold hardness, permeability, and strength.
Grain size is determined by shaking a known amount of dry silica grains downward through a set of 11standard sieves having increasing fineness. After shaking for 15 minutes, the amount remaining in each sieve weighed, and the weights are converted into an AFS number.
Moisture content most commonly is determined by a special device which measures the electrical conductivity of a small sample of sand that is compressed between two prongs. Another device provides a continuous measure of the moisture content, by emission from a radioactive source, as the sand passes along a conveyor belt. A third method is to measure the direct weight loss from a 50-gram sample when it is subjected to a flow of air at about 110℃for 3 minutes.
Clay content is determined by washing the clay from a 50-gram sample of molding sand in water that contains sufficient sodium hydroxide to make it alkaline. After several cycles of agitation and washing in such a solution, the clay will have been removed. The remaining sand is dried and then weighed to determine the proportion of the original sample that was clay.
4.Investment Casting
Investment casting actually is a very old process. It existed in china for centuries, and Cellini employed a form of it in Italy in the sixteenth century. Dentists have utilized the process since 1897, but it was not until World War II that it attained industrial importance for making jet turbine blades from metals that were not readily machinable. Currently millions of castings are produced by the process each year, its unique characteristics permitting the designer almost unlimited freedom in the complexity and close tolerances he can utilize.
Investment casting involves the following steps:
1. Produce a master pattern.
2. From the master pattern, produce a master die.
3. Produce the wax patterns.
4. Assembly the wax patterns to a common wax sprue.
5. Coat the cluster with a thin layer of investment material.
6. Produce the final investment around the coated cluster.
7. Vibrate the flask to remove the entrapped air and settle the investment material around the cluster.
8. Allow the investment to harden.
9.Melt or dissolve the wax pattern to permit it to run out of the mold.
10.Preheat the mold preparatory to pouring.
11.Pouring the molten metal.
12.Remove the castings from the mold.
Fig.3-7-5 schematically shows the investment procedure wherein the investment-mold material fills the entire
Fig.3-7-5 Investment flask-casting procedure
A pattern is a form used to prepare and produce a mold cavity. It is another tool in the hands of a founder. It has been said that a poor casting may be produced from a good pattern, but a good casting will not be made from a poor pattern.
The designer of a casting must look forward to the pattern to assure economical production. The design should be as simple as possible to make the pattern easy to draw from the sand and avoid more cores than necessary.
Types of patterns. Many molds are made from loose patterns. Such a pattern has essentially the shape of the casting with perhaps forms for sprues, risers, etc, attached. This is the cheapest pattern to make but the most time consuming to use. A loose pattern may be made in one or more pieces. For instance, a two-piece pattern is normally split into cope and drag parts to facilitate molding. For a part difficult to mold, some loose pieces may be removable to allow the pattern to collapse for withdrawal from the sand that would otherwise not be possible.
Patterns fastened permanently to a board or match plate are known as mounted patterns. A main advantage is that a mounted pattern is easier than a loose pattern to use and store. Another advantage is that the gating system can be mounted on a match plate, and thus the time required to cut the gating system in the mold can be eliminated. Mounted patterns cost more than loose patterns, but when many castings are to be made from a pattern, the time saved in operation warrants the cost of mounting the pattern.
A core box is essentially a type of pattern into which sand is rammed or packed to form a core as illustrated in
Fig.3-2-1 Typical core boxes
Symmetrical molds and cores, particularly in large sizes, are sometimes shaped by means of sweeps as illustrated in Fig.3-2-2. The sweep is a flat board with an outline of the cross section of the part to be made and is revolved around a central axis to clear away excess sand inside the mold.
Fig.3-2-2 Sweep pattern