book s are our good friends . when we began elementary school , we sta rted our f riendship with them . t hey neve r leave us unless we throw them away . when we a re alone, they help us to get rid of lonely feelings . when we ar e in low spirits , they encour age us to stand up again . whenever we are in trouble, they always offer help to us .
howeve r , not all books are wor th reading . cer tain ones can be ha rmful to our young people who have committed crimes which have resulted in their being sent to prison . t his is the r esult of the negative influence that these book s which a re not wor th reading have upon their young readers .
so it is impor tant to make wise use of books . our aim is not only to read them, but also to use them . how can we use them mor e wisely ? the answer is to practise what we have read . only by pr actising and using the knowledge we have acquired from books , can we achieve more in our life .
some people like to buy books to read , other people like to borrow books from libraries or from other people .which do you prefer ?
i like reading books . i not only buy books but also borrow book s from libr aries and from other people . over the years , this has become a habit . t his habit of mine is built upon the famou s saying“ some books ar e to be tasted , othe rs to be swallowed , and some few to be chewed and digested .”
every time i go to the book store , i will buy some books like dictiona ries , refer ence books which are of pr agmatic use and classical liter ary wor ks which are to be chewed and digested . unlike some people who buy books just for the purpose of filling their shelves and s howing other s how learned they are , my purpose is simple and practical — reading . moreover , the book s i want to keep ar e usually too expensive and i can afford only a few volumes .
from libr aries i bor row books tha t a re to be swallowed , because, on the one hand , libr ary books ar e not allowed to keep a long time ; and on the othe r hand , the libra ry is a sea of book s and i think i have to do s peed- reading , that is , to swallow as many as i can .
i also borrow books f rom f riends , especially new ar rivals . i just want to have a taste . if the taste is good , then i will go and buy them to add to my stor e . if not , well , just for a taste .
in short , i don’t mind wher e i can get books , but books a re always my sour ce of knowledge and wisdom
on perseverance毅力
behind eve ry great achievement in anyone ’ s life lies perseverance . we see this in every human endeavour . out -standing sportsmen spend all their time practising . t heir endurance is beyond imagination . the same is t rue of businessmen who build up for tunes . what we usually see a re their achievements , but once we go behind the scenes we will find that they have put in a lot of continual steady ef forts . we all have read of gr ea t musicians , write rs and inventors who have cr eated or discover ed br eakthroughs in human achievement . inva riably they have said that they owe all their success to per - severance . as to college students , quite a big number of them have become s ucces sful language lear ners through persever - ance , however , a cert ain group of them ju st stop half way and their pr evious effor ts turn out to be f ruitless .
of all the countless examples the saga of colonel saunde rs is perhaps one of the most outstanding . the 65-yea r-old man from kentucky had a dr eam to star t a chain of f ried chicken restaur ants all over the wor ld . to realize his dr eam, he knew that he needed a r estaurant owner to go into par tners hip with him to open the first restaur ant and to f ry chicken according to the secret recipe he had . colonel saunde rs had knocked on 1008 doors befor e he finally found his par tne r . it is doubtful whether many of u s would have had the pe rseverance to knock even a hundred doors .
from the above discu ssion we can draw a conclusion that success comes to anyone who keep s working pe rseveringly and lack of persever ance can only result in fru st ra tion and failure .