1.Get a Head Start提早出發(fā)
Leave home 30 minutes earlier than normal. Studies find that the less rushed you feel in the morning, the less stressed you'll be for the rest of the day.提早30分鐘出發(fā)。調(diào)查表明,早上越放松,接下來的一天心情就會越好。
2. Bring Snacks備點小零嘴
Bring a spill-proof coffee cup filled with your favorite brew to the office, and have a bag of nonperishable snacks on hand (dried fruit and nuts, juice boxes, or pretzels). Going for more than a few hours without a snack can cause your blood sugar levels to drop, and you'll end up exacerbating stress.準備一個防灑的咖啡杯,泡一杯自己最愛的現(xiàn)磨咖啡,再備一些不容易變質(zhì)的小零嘴(干果或堅果,果汁飲料,或者脆餅干)。如果連續(xù)幾小時沒有進食,血糖就會下降,壓力也會加劇。
3. Give Yourself Some Credit為自己打氣
Most of us don’t take enough time to praise ourselves for doing things well. So when you’ve completed an interim or long-term goal, tell yourself—out loud—what a good job you’ve done. You’ll get a burst of confidence that will go a long way towards helping you maintain your cool amid the workplace madness.許多人常常忘了為自己叫好。所以當你完成了一個近期或者長期任務時,大聲地對自己說:“你真棒”。這些自信將會讓你在一堆工作面前沉著應對。
4. Schedule 10 Minutes of “Worry Time”花10分鐘梳理你的煩惱
Close your office door or go sit in an empty conference room and think about what's stressing you out. Bring a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns: My Worry; Why It Worries Me; Worst Thing That Could Happen. Once you confront the worst-case scenario, and realize that it probably won't ever happen, you can get back to work with your worry load lightened.關上你辦公室的.門或者到空著的會議室去想想是什么讓自己倍感壓力了。在紙上羅列出:我的壓力、產(chǎn)生壓力的原因和壓力會導致的最壞結果。一旦你知道了最壞的情況,你會意識到也許這些情況并不會發(fā)生,這樣你就可以回去輕松工作了。
5. Manage Your Email管理郵件
With about 5.5 trillion emails sent each year, it's no wonder your inbox is overflowing. To keep from stressing out, cut down the amount of time you spend reading and sending emails. Use the “rule of three”: if you’ve gone back and forth on a topic three times and you’re still confused or have questions, pick up the phone.每年大約會產(chǎn)生5.5萬億封電子郵件,所以你的郵箱爆滿也很正常。你可以通過減少讀、寫郵件的時間來減壓。運用“三遍原則”:當你看一封郵件三遍甚至四遍仍然感到困惑的時候,就打電話吧。
6. Stretch舒展身體
This is especially important if you have a sedentary job. Try lifting your legs up and stretching them for 30 seconds. This movement reduces the risk of blood clots that can result from sitting too long in one position. Another useful exercise is to put one arm behind your neck and stretch it by holding on to the elbow with the opposite arm. Switch sides and repeat.舒展身體對于長時間坐著的你非常重要。抬腳伸展30秒。這個動作可以減少長時間固定姿勢而引起的血液不暢。你還可以一只手放到脖子后,拉伸另一只手肘。兩手交換位置,重復該動作。
7. Have a “Perspective Reminder”遠景圖開闊心胸
Stress canoverpower you at times, but your troubles are smaller than they seem. To remind yourself of that, keep a picture in your office—the earth taken from space, a starry night or the ocean—and look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed. Amid countless stars and the timeless crashing of waves against the shore, how important is that deadline, really?有時你會覺得壓力無法承受,但其實結果并沒有想象得那么糟。在辦公桌上放一張圖片,比如從太空拍攝的地球,滿天繁星的夜空或者波濤洶涌的大海。當你感覺壓力過大時,看看圖片。當你看到不可勝數(shù)的繁星和源源不斷拍打海岸的浪花,你的心胸立刻會開闊起來,此時你會覺得工作期限也不過就是不足為道的小事。
8. Plan Ahead提前計劃
When work is challenging, devote some of your down time, like weekends and evenings, to making a to-do list for the next week. Make a list, place boxes next to each item, and tick off the boxes as you get things done. You’ll avoid forgetting anything, you’ll stay focused on the job, and it’s very satisfying to tick off those boxes.當面對有挑戰(zhàn)的工作時,花些閑暇時間比如周末或晚上羅列出下星期要做的事情。逐條寫下來,做完了就劃掉。這能夠避免遺漏事情,能夠使你注意力集中在工作上,同時劃掉清單也會讓你很有成就感。
9. Socialize With Colleagues與同事交流
Suggest a once-a-week gathering with your co-workers where you can talk about a particular work issue. Use your collective brain to figure out how to do something better, enhance productivity, or improve relationships.建議一周和同事交流一次關于工作上的事。利用集體的力量使工作做得更好,更有效,同時提升同事間的感情。
10. Remind Yourself Why不要忘記生活的歡樂
Make a display in your office to remind you of your personal life. Include pictures of your spouse, children, and pet, a photograph of yourself doing something fun, plus a memento that reminds you of a special occasion. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed and stressed out, take five minutes and simply enjoy the display. Recall the day each picture was taken. Hold your memento and return in your memory to the day you got it. Now you’re ready to return to work.在辦公室放些私人物品,比如妻子或丈夫,孩子,寵物,或者自己開心時的照片,又或者是具有特殊紀念意義的物品。當你感覺壓力過大時,花五分鐘時間欣賞下這些陳列品;貞浥恼盏臅r刻或者獲得紀念品的當天,然后再投入工作。