- 相關(guān)推薦
can you work underpressure?
what is your greateststrength?
what is your greatestweakness?
what have you done to correctyour weaknesses?
have you ever failed?
what is your biggestfailure?
how do you handlefailure?
how do you handle change?
when you are in charge, how doyou motivate people?
describe a time when youresolved a conflict?
how do you handleconflict?
previous employment
what is the hardest thing youever did in your current job?
why have you held so manyjobs?
do you consider yourself aloyal employee?
what did you like about yourlast job?
what did you dislike about yourlast job?
what was your favoritejob?
what was your least favoritejob?
what have you learned fromprevious jobs?
how long will you stay with ourairline?
what would your coworkers sayabout you?
what would your previoussupervisors say aboutyou?
what were the people like atyour last company?
what did you dislike about yourlast employer?
if you could change one thingabout your last employer, what would it be?
were you satisfied with yourperformance at your last job?
was your previous employersatisfied with your performance?
have you ever been fired?
if so, why were youfired?
have you ever been asked toresign from another job?
what will your referencessay?
can we check yourreferences?
how many sick days did you takelast year?
is this typical?
personality and motivation
do you consider yourself asuccess?
were you ever under a greatdeal of pressure?
what kinds of decisions aremost difficult for you?
why has it taken you so long tofind a job?
why do you want to be a flightattendant?
what part of being a flightattendant interests you most?
what kind of contributions willyou make to our airline?
where else are youinterviewing?
have you applied to otherairlines?
when are you available tostart?
what are your outstandingqualities?
what interests you most aboutbeing a flight attendant?
what can you do for us thatothers can''''''''''''''''t?
describe a difficult problemyou''''''''''''''''ve dealt with.
how important isappearance?
what do you think will be thebiggest challenge of being a flight attendant?
what is the best part of beinga flight attendant?
do you have any natural talentor skill, something that comes easy to you?
what do you like to do in yourspare time?
how would you handle anabrasive captain or coworker?
have you ever been described asstubborn or hardheaded? by whom?
do you ever freeze in socialsituations?
have you ever worked withsomeone who talked too much? how did you handle it?
are you skilled at sizingpeople up?
have you ever been part of aproblem?
have you ever had to supportthe directives of higher management, even when you disagreed withit?
have you ever lied?
have you ever broken alaw?
have you ever stolensomething?
have you ever found a workpolicy or rule to be distasteful? how did you handle it?
have you ever been tempted tobreak a work rule or policy? what did you do?
why do you want to work for ourairline?
what kind of experience do youhave?