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工作面試很大程度上像是你在診斷候選人--在申請這個職位時,他們已經(jīng)表現(xiàn)出他們對你的興趣。一家職業(yè)咨詢公司的重點客戶服務高級副總裁認為,對他們來說,面試讓他們有機會確定,這個公司的文化是否適合他們。mattson 提醒說,"例如,你可以問'你想為這樣的公司工作嗎?--我們注重回報社區(qū),允許靈活的工作時間表,在發(fā)表個人看法時不需要擔心報復。'"如果貴公司與他們的價值觀非常符合,候選人在你們那里會比在別的地方更加成功。
1. what happened to the person who previously did this job? (ifa new position: how has this job been performed in the past?)
why you need to ask: you need to know any problems or pasthistory associated with this position. for instance, was yourpredecessor fired or promoted? is this a temporary position orbrand new? the answer will tell you about management's expectationsand how the company is gearing to grow.
2. why did you choose to work here? what keeps you here?
why you need to ask: although you may like this company, you'rean outsider. you need to find out what an insider has to say aboutworking there. who better to ask than your interviewer? this alsoforces the interviewer to step out of their official corporate roleand answer personally as an employee and potential coworker.
3. what is the first problem the person you hire must attendto?
why you need to ask: you need to be on the same page as your newmanager, as well as be clear on what the initial expectations areand that you can deliver. what you don't want is to allow yourselfto be misled about the job’s requirements and end up overwhelmedand over your head after the first week on the job.
4. what can you tell me about the individual to whom i wouldreport?
why you need to ask: it doesn't matter how wonderful the companymight be; your time will be spent working for a specific manager.you need to find out who this person is and what kind of manager heis -- earlier rather than later, before personality clashesdevelop. if you're an independent type used to working throughsolutions on your own, for instance, you'll chafe when you findyou're being supervised by a micromanager.
5. what are the company's five-year sales and profitprojections?
why you need to ask: you need to know about the future of thecompany you plan to spend several years of your life working for.it doesn't have to be this exact question. for example, you mightwant to ask about the company's future plans for new products andservices or any planned market expansion. of course, you've doneyour own research, but nothing can beat an insider’s observationsand insights. this also shows you've done your homework and areserious about this company.
6. what's our next step?
why you need to ask: this is your closing and the most importantquestion to ask at the end of the interview. you need to know whathappens after this point. many books advise asking for the job now,but most people may feel too intimidated to bluntly do so. and withmore candidates already scheduled for interviews, the company isnot likely to make you an offer yet. you may also need to do someadditional research on the company, ma-ki-ng it too early to ask forthe job.
a good compromise: take the lead and set a plan for follow-up.you'll also be able to gauge the company's enthusiasm with theanswer. don't forget to ask for your interviewer’s direct phonenumber and the best time to call.
what to remember
as a job seeker, the key to a good interview is to find out asmuch about your potential employer as possible. asking these sixquestions will not only make you appear more committed as acandidate, but will also give you better insight into both thechallenges and opportunities that may lie ahead for you.